Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Fostering Connections Between Young and Old

    Programs that promote interaction between young and old people benefit both groups emotionally. At a retirement community, Collington, music students perform for and interact with the residents in return for free room and board. Pop-up concerts and shared meals form friendships of the sort that research shows can reduce older adults' loneliness and increase their cognitive engagement. Young people gain in empathy, while both groups can make each other feel more needed. Programs responding to social isolation also bring children as young as infants into senior housing.

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  • Equipping Women to Stop Campus Rape

    Flip the Script is a program utilized on college campuses that trains women to prevent sexual assault. The program educates young women on setting their own personal boundaries, recognizing the early signs of a sexual assault, and training them to respond effectively to a dangerous situation. The program encompasses physical and verbal training and has proven so effective that Evidence-Based Programs rated it as the only program in violence prevention to date that earns a Top Tier score.

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  • They're Out of Prison. Can They Stay Out of the Hospital?

    The Transitions Clinic Network is providing healthcare to men and women coming out of prison. The organization, which has treated over 5,000 patients, hires community health workers to connect former inmates to health services. Since this population often leaves prison without access to proper healthcare, these services are keeping people out of emergency rooms and aiding in their transition to life after prison.

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  • Can 30,000 Cameras Help Solve Chicago's Crime Problem?

    Using advanced data, cameras, and innovative mapping, Chicago is hoping to finally solve crime in the city. Hidden sensors like ShotSpotter and crime forecasting software HunchLab are being used to turn massive amounts of data into usable information for law enforcement officers, but concerns about privacy and surveillance are prevalent.

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  • An Honors College That Honors Grit

    Unlike the honors colleges at most universities, the Honors Living-Learning Community at Rutgers University-Newark recruits students based on "grit" and commitment to social justice. The Community creates a supportive experience within the larger campus and focuses students' studies on issues ranging from civil rights to environmental justice. “For the first time these students are learning about themselves and about that corner where they come from,” an assistant dean commented. Honors students' freshman GPAs are on average half a grade higher than the grades of non-honors students.

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  • Australia's Immigration Solution: Small-Town Living

    A town in rural Australia found an unexpected solution to its seemingly inevitable collapse through population decline: by welcoming immigrants even as Australia's urban centers attempt to restrict immigration. In Pyramid Hill, a pig farmer was the first to prove the potential of the idea when he hired 4 Filipino workers to work with him as he entered retirement; now, the area is seeing population growth, new homes, and other signs of success.

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  • Opioid Crisis Compels New York to Look North for Answers

    Supervised injection sites in Canada have prevented hundreds of heroin overdose deaths. Now, New York City is looking to follow Canada's lead with a city-wide initiative to establish safe injection sites. While the Trump Administration is not in support of such sites, experts believe that it is unlikely that the federal government would interfere with a site if a city is in support of it.

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  • Georgia State, Leading U.S. in Black Graduates, Is Engine of Social Mobility

    Since 2013, Georgia State University has graduated more African-American students than any other nonprofit college or university in the country. Georgia State takes a data-driven approach to retaining its 40,000 person population, intervening at early signs of academic trouble. The comprehensive services are "meant to provide the kind of safety net for poor students that wealthier students usually get from their families."

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  • Want to Quit the Gang Life? Try This Job On

    Being in a gang or selling drugs is risky and often poorly paid, but many people caught up in it see too many obstacles in alternate paths to change. Readi Chicago addresses these barriers with cognitive behavioral therapy and subsidized jobs that allow participants to gradually build up skills and move into better positions. But the most important people are the outreach workers, many of whom came out of incarceration or gang life, and can build relationships to convince people to sign up.

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  • Cod and ‘Immune Broth': California Tests Food as Medicine

    A trial in several California cities is testing the idea that providing nutritionally tailored meals to chronically ill, low-income patients will have an impact on their health. Similar projects have shown participants had a reduction in the cost of care, an increase in medication adherence, and a reduction in depression.

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