Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 3 lessons from how schools responded to the 1918 pandemic worth heeding today

    The pandemic of 2020 bears a heavy resemblance to the pandemic of 1918, and the U.S. can learn from the successes of the past. Investing heavily in school nurses, fostering cross-sector and public/private partnerships, and creating “large, clean, airy school buildings” to continue serving families and children—decisions made over a hundred years ago that are still just as relevant today.

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  • WV school buses delivering meals after coronavirus threat shuttered all schools

    Schools have closed across the nation to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, but that's left many students without access to meals. To address this, Kanawha County has started to use school buses to transport meals to students, both offering reliable access to meals and eliminating the possibility of spreading the virus by reducing the need for children to stand in lines to receive the meals.

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  • Building resiliency an elementary school goal

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are implementing several programs to help build resiliency in their students and reduce the risk of suicide. One program includes introducing trauma care coordinators, while another encourages students to write letters about their concerns. Both tactics have had positive results, evident through fewer recorded cases of problematic behavioral issues.

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  • Therapy dog a game-changer at Pleasant Street School

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are introducing pet therapy to better serve their students who are experiencing emotional distress. In one school, the therapy dog acts as "a reward for good behavior, a transition to talking about what happened that made a child misbehave, a way-station for calming and resetting surging emotions, and a bridge for shy youngsters who become animated when speaking to a non-judgmental pet."

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  • In Classes on Mental Health, Bus Drivers Learn to Keep an Eye on Kids

    Florida officials have turned to an unlikely source to help identify children with mental health stressors: bus drivers. After the Parkland shooting, the state established classes for bus drivers to learn about child psychology and behavioral science as a way to analyze why children may act out on the ride to or from school.

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  • Youth suicide prevention that works

    New Hampshire K-12 schools are trying a variety of different initiatives to try to reduce the rates of suicide amongst youth. So far, two school-based prevention programs – one used in New Hampshire and one used in Sweden – have shown evidence of success. Both teach students how to recognize signs of depression and suicide risk and have reduced the rate of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

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  • These kids look out for one another

    High school students in Tilton, New Hampshire are learning how to be peer counselors as part of a program that aims to destigimatize the notion of seeking help for mental health concerns. The program, which has been implemented across the U.S. and in several other countries, has been shown to decrease a person's risk of suicide and is now regarded as "a mental-health best practice."

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  • Mental health a daily lesson in schools

    A middle school in New Hampshire has piloted a program that focuses on dividing the school into different wings and offering classes on "mental wellness, conflict resolution, and healthy ways to communicate" with the goal of better addressing the emotional wellbeing of students. The outcomes have been promising thus far, with students reporting improved effects on their mental health.

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  • After the Disaster: The toll storms take on mental health in India

    The rise of natural disasters due to climate change in India has had a psychological impact on many, including children, but psychologists in the state of Kerala are working to address the trauma through targeted training. From better equipping school counselors and providing on-site counselors for students, the communities have reported a decrease in fear in the children.

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  • Bright spot: High schools that offer free mental health care

    In Oregon's Multnomah County, high schools provide school-based mental health care centers, which include access to an overall health assessment, a mental health counselor, and a behavioral health specialist at no out-of-pocket cost. One benefit of this program is that students who are visiting the center for a physical reason – such as headaches – have the opportunity to have potential underlying conditions that are related to mental health recognized.

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