Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How New York Made Big Diversity Gains in Transportation Contracts

    New York City’s “small purchase” program allows the city’s Department of Transportation to offer government contracts up to a certain spending limit specifically to minority- and women-owned businesses, with the goal of diversifying the city’s pool of contractors and suppliers. In fiscal year 2024, 32 percent of the department’s contract spending went to these businesses, compared to 24 percent in 2023 and 11 percent in 2022.

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  • How Mexico's waste pickers are getting decent, green economy jobs

    GO SiKanda supports informal waste pickers in their efforts to professionalize, set up enterprises, and improve their communities’ waste management. To date, health and safety policies have developed, respect has grown, and wages have increased.

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  • 'Internet of fish' empowering Lake Victoria women

    Women fisherfolk in Kenya are starting fish farms in Lake Victoria, aided by smartphones and technology that help them track the health and needs of the fish. Owning farms gives them financial freedom and prevents the sexual exploitation women often face when bargaining for fish.

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  • Farmworkers in the US cultivate their own heat safety standards

    The nonprofit Coalition of Immokalee Workers started the Fair Food Program to appeal directly to consumers and large brands about worker safety while policies and regulations are held up in government processes. The initiative strikes deals with large companies that pledge to protect farm workers in a variety of ways, particularly stringent heat protections as heat records are repeatedly increased.

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  • How the Amy's Kitchen Boycott Worked, and What It Might Mean for Other Labor Organizers

    Amy’s Kitchen workers led a two-year boycott of the company’s products with the support of the Food Empowerment Project, in an effort to petition for better working conditions. After several months, the company agreed to a meeting with the workers in which they crafted an informal agreement meeting their demands and guaranteeing they wouldn’t face punishments for their organizing.

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  • Fighting sexism in society

    Chalk Back is a youth-led street art initiative that encourages women to write sexist remarks said to them onto pavements in chalk to raise awareness about street harassment. The public art is then shared on Instagram to further its reach and prevent street harassment from being normalized. Since Chalk Back started in 2016, it has become a global initiative with more than 1,000 women participating and more than 150,000 followers on social media.

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  • Denver busca contratar y mantener a más maestros internacionales al ayudarlos con vivienda, capacitación y más

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver lanzaron el Instituto de Educadores Internacionales para proporcionar no solo apoyo profesional sino también apoyo personal a maestros internacionales nuevos. El Instituto ayuda los nuevos maestros encontrar un lugar donde vivir, entender asuntos financieros y de crédito, proporcionar otros apoyo sociales o emocionales, obtener más certificados y entender cómo funciona el sistema escolar de Denver. Eso ha causado que los maestros internacionales con visas de trabajo en DPS sumen un total de 234.

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  • A social enterprise makes money, but it makes a lot more than that for the people involved

    There are more than 500 certified social enterprises in Australia, employing people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and others who need extra support to help them secure stable employment to create better futures for themselves and their families. In Australia alone, the number of certified social enterprises is growing at 16% per year.

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  • How to help reduce elder poverty? Keep Chicago seniors employed

    The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides support to seniors seeking employment, especially those who speak limited English, have a disability, were incarcerated, or are homeless, as they may need extra help. SCSEP has offered over one million low-income seniors part-time work placement and training. Since forming, about half of the one million participants have gone on to find full-time, unsubsidized employment.

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  • How women are breaking poverty circle using tricycle in Ilorin

    In an effort to break the cycle of poverty and combat gender stereotypes and stigma, several women are entering the commercial transportation industry by driving tricycles around the city to offer rides to locals. By working, these women are earning more money for their families, helping to ensure there’s food on the table and that they can afford to send their children to school.

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