Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ethiopia's Utopian Experiment in Gender Equality

    The Awra Amba community is founded on broad values such as gender equality of labor, women’s rights, children’s rights, and caring for the elderly and vulnerable, and residents work together on 15 democratically elected committees to make key decisions. Research shows that the community has achieved higher life expectancy, literacy rates, and measures of gender equality than the country’s national averages.

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  • Inside Africa's Trailblazing Solar Repair Movement

    Nonprofit SolarAid trains repair technicians who can fix solar energy kits. In the 2023-24 financial year, SolarAid’s teams across Zambia and Malawi repaired 2,422 solar products, reducing electronic waste, increasing the lifespan of products, and improving access to solar lights, as well as creating job opportunities

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  • With 'Giving Circles,' Anyone Can Be a Philanthropist

    Giving Circles allow average people to make a larger impact with their philanthropy by pooling donations from members for larger gifts to chosen causes and organizations. Between 2017 and 2023, there were nearly 4,000 of these groups in the United States, with total donations totaling $3.1 billion.

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  • Intergenerational care benefits children and seniors. Why is it still so rare?

    At intergenerational care facilities, early learning programs co-locate with senior homes, giving students and care residents plenty of opportunities to interact. Research shows this type of intergenerational program can have physical and cognitive benefits for both the adults and the children involved in them.

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  • The Michigan Jail that Candidates Keep Visiting

    Michigan’s Genessee County jail employs two formerly incarcerated organizers who help people detained there register to vote, cast their ballots, and access resources about pivotal election measures. They also coordinate forums with political candidates for offices ranging from the Michigan Supreme Court to the Flint City Council.

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  • Residuos Sólidos Orgánicos: Crisis y Oportunidad

    Varios actores y organizaciones han empezado proyectos que reciclan los Residuos Sólidos Orgánicos, ayundando desviar y reciclar un gran porcentaje del total de los residuos que se generan en los hogares de Costa Rica.

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  • San Diego's Organic Waste Recycling program shows progress after first full year

    To reduce methane emissions, California law SB 1383 requires every resident to recycle their organic waste instead of sending it to the landfill. San Diego residents put their organic waste into green bins to be picked up and composed.

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  • An Age-Old Midwife Tradition's Revival Is Saving Vulnerable Newborns

    Research shows kangaroo mother care, which is the long-standing traditional midwifery practice of giving newborn babies skin-to-skin time with caregivers after birth, provides substantial protection against infections, as well as stress relief and a chance for emotional bonding. Following several studies, the WHO recommends all babies receive immediate kangaroo care without spending time in an incubator, as researchers estimate kangaroo care could save about 150,000 lives each year.

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  • How One Indian State Went 100% Organic

    In 2016, the agricultural industry in Sikkim, India, was declared 100% organic. The process was intentionally slow, taking over a decade as programs like chemical fertilizer bans, organic certification training, and model villages demonstrating organic practices were implemented to ease the transition.

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  • For Norwegian children, access to child care that supports a joyful childhood is a right.

    Norway’s approach to early childcare, rooted in its Kindergarten Act, prioritizes inclusivity and the value of childhood and unstructured play, where children receive social, emotional and cognitive support. Evidence suggests long-term positive impacts, including improved academic and workforce outcomes when they reach adulthood. Investments in the country’s unique approach to childcare and kindergarten contribute to Norway's top global rankings in child well-being compared to other countries like the U.S.

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