Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Foundation Helps to Reduce Hemophilia Burden

    Since 2010, the World Federation of Hemophilia has been providing patients with free treatment to reduce the financial burden of caring for someone with this condition. People living with hemophilia can access treatment whenever they need it and have indicated their condition has been improving now that they can afford care.

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  • Keene Lions Club screenings help kids envision healthy future

    The KidSight program offers free vision screenings to catch and correct eyesight problems early. The local Keene Lions Club offers these screenings throughout the year with the help of trained volunteers. Beyond screenings, the Lions Club can also fully cover the costs of any further care needed, such as glasses or more exams, for families living below 200% of the federal poverty level. The group screened 3,394 this past school year.

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  • A New Kind of Primary Care Comes to America

    Modeled after a similar program in Costa Rica, Neighborhood Nursing has teams of nurses and community health workers who host weekly visits throughout the community to provide free medical care — particularly preventative care — to those who need it. Neighborhood Nursing has helped build trust between residents and healthcare workers and aims to serve more than 4,000 people within the next year.

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  • Two Health Care Workers Have Saved Countless Lives in Appalachia. Their New Business Goes the Extra Mile.

    The Health Wagon provides healthcare to remote, rural communities where accessibility and stigma have historically prevented residents from accessing care. The Wagon operates through multiple stationary clinics and about a dozen mobile sites across six counties. The Health Wagon takes a more individualized approach to healthcare, connecting with patients on a personal level, helping dismantle decades of barriers that prevent rural locals from accessing and understanding the care they need.

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  • 'Are nursing homes our only option?' These centers offer older adults an alternative.

    Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) centers provide government-funded medical care and social services to those aged 55 and above who qualify for nursing home care but can still live independently with some assistance. There are currently more than 160 PACE centers in 32 states. PACE centers are also gaining momentum as a nursing home alternative, as several states have begun passing legislation and making policy changes to allow Medicaid to cover PACE care.

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  • Doctors Take On Dental Duties to Reach Low-Income and Uninsured Patients

    Several doctors are working together to integrate oral health into medical checkups for children, pregnant women and others who can’t afford or access a dentist. With the help of a five-year, $6 million federal grant, a team of doctors and dental hygienists has trained 250 primary care providers in how to provide oral health care in several states, allowing patients to access dental care during regular checkups.

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  • Vermont's Approach to Primary Care Is Driving Down Costs

    The Blueprint for Health model expands primary care access by requiring insurance providers in the state to pay additional monthly fees to cover more services for patients. Expanded services are provided by Patient-Centered Medical Homes and Community Health Teams, including nurses and counselors, at no cost to patients. Since starting in 2008, this model has helped significantly reduce medical and pharmaceutical claims.

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  • 'More eggs, more baskets': How a network of abortion pill providers works together in the wake of new threats

    Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and individual states started passing strict abortion bans, groups like Aid Access, Hey Jane and Just the Pill began mailing abortion medications to women in states with bans. Six months after the Supreme Court decision, researchers saw an increase in women getting abortion medication outside of traditional healthcare settings. Aid Access alone reports mailing about 10,000 pills a month.

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  • Glasses Improve Income, Not Just Eyesight

    VisionSpring provides more than two million pairs of glasses each year to those in need. Studies show that, when provided with free reading glasses, workers experience a 33% increase in income as they’re able to see and aren’t forced to leave the working world early as they age.

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  • An unexpected way to fight chronic absenteeism

    A Bessemer Elementary School, a telemedicine program launched in 2021 is combatting high rates of absenteeism by providing health care in school. Students can log into a computer at school and receive care, then head back to class rather than having to miss school for doctor visits or sick days. Since the program launched, absenteeism at the school fell from 49% during the 2021-2022 school year to 37% last year.

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