Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Redefining Masculinity: This Initiative Engages Men In The Fight Against SGBV

    Boys Champion educates young boys on healthy masculinity, combatting cultural norms that lead to sexual and gender-based violence through various outreach initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and events held at local schools. Since 2018, the group has reached more than 10,000 young boys, teaching them ways to promote gender equality in their communities.

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  • The township caravan tackling South Africa's femicide problem – the African way

    Phola uses narrative therapy practices to empower women to overcome gender-based violence by sharing their stories and connecting with others. Participants report that Phola has helped ease their anxiety and depression and has given them the strength to leave harmful situations at home. The project began in 2016 and the Phola methods are now used in 40 countries.

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  • Nonprofit helps Minnesota youth touched by domestic violence

    Rivers of Hope provides counseling and support services to youth who have experienced or witnessed violence at home. A primary goal of Rivers of Hope is to teach youth what healthy relationships look like and empower them to build and seek out healthy connections. The program started in 1991 and provides support and education to about 150 to 200 students each year, free of charge.

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  • No Place For Discrimination: These Traditional Leaders Are Standing Up For SGBV Survivors In Their Communities

    Groups like Women in New Nigeria and Youth Empowerment Initiative (WINN), in collaboration with local leaders, are addressing stigma and providing support services for survivors of sexual and gender-based violencev(SGBV). These groups educate survivors on the violence they endured, provides them with a safe space to rest and engages them in the community to fight feelings of isolation SGBV survivors often face.

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  • With law enforcement sparse, Alaska villages build network of safety for survivors

    Amidst a lack of law enforcement in remote areas, the Emmonak Women’s Shelter has begun training people in small villages to become victim resource advocates to connect those who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault with shelter and care.

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  • A Model for Getting Domestic Violence Survivors Wraparound Support

    One Safe Place — also known collectively as a Family Justice Center — is a holistic care center for violence survivors that aims to be a one-stop shop for support services like legal aid, medical care, social workers, mental health support, groceries, child care and job training. One Safe Place opened in July 2022. The 44,000-square-foot facility is one of the largest Family Justice Centers in the world and has served more than 3,000 people, the majority of whom are domestic violence survivors and their children.

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  • New data tracking felony domestic violence cases in Winnebago County shows high conviction rates

    Prosecutors in Winnebago County, Illinois, are using evidence-based prosecution to increase the number of felony domestic violence cases that end in a conviction. This practice relies on physical evidence like phone and medical records instead of testimony from survivors.

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  • Man Up, Balkans

    The Be a Man initiative facilitates clubs where youth learn to reexamine gender norms, talk about how to prevent violence, address harmful stereotypes, and promote healthy relationships. More than 2,000 young people have participated in Be a Man activities since the program began, and surveys show participants demonstrated greater self-esteem, improved communication and critical thinking, and stronger empathy.

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  • In Texas, a rare program offers hope for some of the most vulnerable women and babies

    Casa Mía provides housing and support services for pregnant women and new mothers struggling with addiction. The program is run out of an old house and is currently home to nine women. Staff at Casa Mía provide mental health care, recovery resources and work to destigmatize substance abuse to prevent mothers from losing their children to the foster care system.

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  • In South Sudan, official brutality sparks all-women business exhibition

    A group of female entrepreneurs created a market for other enterprising women who can’t afford to pay standard shop and licensing fees to access a safe place to sell their wares. The group connects women to train them in entrepreneurship, provide networking opportunities and inform people about the market and upcoming events via social media to drive more customers to the marketplace.

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