Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Virtual reality experience promotes understanding of challenges faced by transgender individuals

    An interactive virtual reality experience developed with transgender individuals called Body of Mine VR is fostering empathy and understanding by sharing personal narratives and anecdotes that demonstrate their journeys, struggles, and triumphs.

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  • As temperatures in India break records, ancient terracotta air coolers are helping fight extreme heat

    Artists, architects, and urban designers in India are reimagining the ancient practice of cooling water in terracotta pots to create terracotta structures that cool the air nearby during extreme heat.

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  • Art therapy helps family caregivers cope with hard times

    The Art Experience provides free art therapy classes for caregivers, offering a space for them to gather for respite and creative self-expression. At the classes, caregivers learn mindfulness, self-care practices and meet one-on-one with certified art therapists to discuss their individual situations and learn ways to cope with stress.

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  • Mt. Everest is plagued by garbage. These Nepali women are transforming it into crafts

    A coalition of local businesses in Kathmandu, Nepal, is sorting non-recyclable waste collected from mountaineering activities in the Himalayan mountains. Once it is sorted, skilled Indigenous craftswomen make it into new products, like placemats and jewelry boxes, to earn a living.

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  • Giving buildings a new, green lease on life

    An architect in Chennai, India, is retrofitting private residences and public buildings to be more sustainable. They make changes like installing energy-efficient upgrades, solar panels, improved ventilation, and low-flow plumbing fixtures to reduce water and energy consumption.

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  • Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá, la nueva imagen de color de una antigua zona llena de tristeza

    En Bogotá, una iniciativa llevada a cabo por jóvenes recupera, poco a poco, una zona catalogada como problemática y peligrosa. Se llama Ciudad Bolívar y, ahora, con sus grafitis reflejan el arte callejero.

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  • Houses that breathe: Vietnamese architects turning the tide to tackle climate change 

    Architects in Vietnam are creating climate-resilient buildings with nature-based designs and materials that adapt to the local weather to reduce the building’s emissions throughout its lifespan by naturally regulating the temperature.

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  • What the Golden Gate Is (Finally) Doing About Suicides

    In an effort to reduce the staggering number of suicides each year off the Golde Gate Bridge, the city is installing 3 ½ miles of stainless steel nets strung end to end on both sides of the bridge. While it’s not a perfect solution, this “suicide deterrent system” has already proven successful at reducing the number of deaths each year.

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  • Norris Square sculpture garden fosters community connection and creativity through food and art

    The Open Kitchen Sculpture Garden in Philadelphia provides access to fresh food and an inviting place to hold events and art programs for the local community. It also discourages the illegal dumping of trash, which many of the sculptures are made from.

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  • 'All these islands are full of trash': Activists take hands-on approach to clean our beaches

    The Florida nonprofit Before It’s Too Late brings together children from different communities to teach them about the environment and their ability to create change through art, like painting murals.

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