Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What one Utah student learned in Hope Squad helped her save a friend's life

    The Hope Squad teaches students how to advocate for themselves and their peers and teaches the question, persuade, refer (QPR) approach to navigating mental health. While the students aren’t trained therapists, they help their peers get the mental health support they need. Over the years the program has referred thousands of students to mental healthcare professionals and decreased the rate of suicide in the school district.

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  • Keene Lions Club screenings help kids envision healthy future

    The KidSight program offers free vision screenings to catch and correct eyesight problems early. The local Keene Lions Club offers these screenings throughout the year with the help of trained volunteers. Beyond screenings, the Lions Club can also fully cover the costs of any further care needed, such as glasses or more exams, for families living below 200% of the federal poverty level. The group screened 3,394 this past school year.

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  • Horticulture, horses and ‘Chill Rooms': One district goes all-in on mental health support

    “Chill Rooms,” offer students a place where they can go and talk to “chill therapists” when they’re feeling anxious, stressed or just need a minute to reset during the school day. Some schools have even partnered with other organizations to offer creative forms of mental health care, like equine therapy. In the Northgate School District, the graduation rate has increased by 11% since incorporating Chill Rooms.

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  • Where can Minnesota students access free mental-health care?

    Public schools in Hennepin County have offered free school-based mental healthcare services to students since 2000, with the number of schools offering care continuously growing. Across the 263 Hennepin County schools that have implemented school-based mental health care, suicide attempts have decreased by 15%.

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  • How a youth-led initiative is breaking the stigma around mental diseases in northern Nigeria

    The Friends Advocacy for Mental Health Initiative (FAM) spreads awareness of the importance of mental health. It works to bring services like counseling and support groups to rural communities and schools. The Initiative’s Adolescents Save Haven Club hosts monthly sessions in secondary schools across the country, helping guide youth on their mental health journey, and has since helped over 300 students.

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  • 'Wraparound Support' Meets Black and Hispanic Girls' Overlooked Mental Health Needs

    Working on Womanhood (WOW) hosts weekly, school-based meetings for Black and Hispanic girls in grades six to 12 to connect, work through personal problems and build a sense of self-awareness and confidence, as this population is largely underserved by mental health programs. Research shows that WOW participants experience decreased anxiety and depression and WOW counselors also report seeing less anger and fights among the participating students.

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  • An unexpected way to fight chronic absenteeism

    A Bessemer Elementary School, a telemedicine program launched in 2021 is combatting high rates of absenteeism by providing health care in school. Students can log into a computer at school and receive care, then head back to class rather than having to miss school for doctor visits or sick days. Since the program launched, absenteeism at the school fell from 49% during the 2021-2022 school year to 37% last year.

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  • More Teens Are Opting for Virtual Therapy

    After the pandemic, many teens are still opting for telehealth therapy rather than in-office care. Telehealth makes therapy more accessible for those who need it, particularly through collaboration with mental health platforms like Daybreak that partner with school districts across the U.S. to provide access to virtual therapy in schools. Daybreak’s data shows that 92% of families see behavioral improvements and 80% of school staff see attendance and grade improvements in students who participate in therapy.

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  • Nonprofit helps Minnesota youth touched by domestic violence

    Rivers of Hope provides counseling and support services to youth who have experienced or witnessed violence at home. A primary goal of Rivers of Hope is to teach youth what healthy relationships look like and empower them to build and seek out healthy connections. The program started in 1991 and provides support and education to about 150 to 200 students each year, free of charge.

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  • These Pinkston programs improve high school attendance, grades and even crime rates

    The Becoming a Man (BAM) and Working on Womanhood (WOW) groups take place in schools, providing a space for youth to talk, rest and receive mentoring and counseling from adults who relate to their experiences. This programming helps improve attendance, grades and well-being while preventing and reducing violent crime rates. BAM and WOW programs exist nationwide in seven major cities, serving about 13,000 students annually. Research shows that those participating in BAM or WOW are 50% less likely to be arrested for violent crime and 19% more likely to graduate on time.

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