Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Medication first, and then a whole-health approach

    To streamline the process of getting people access to substance use treatment, Blue Mountain Heart to Heart implemented a new model allowing clients to get started with medication-assisted treatment right there at the clinic rather than waiting for referrals to other organizations. The clinic also helps connect clients to other services they may need for their physical and mental health. A study of the program found that patients served by the model had a 68 percent lower mortality rate than patients who were not.

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  • The mobile clinic helping indigent Nigerians stay alive

    To enhance rural access to healthcare in Nigeria, the Parkers Mobile Clinic partners with local volunteers, healthcare professionals, educators, and community development advocates to identify and remedy unique healthcare gaps. Outreach programs are then designed to provide localized mental health support, nutritional counseling, and other reproductive health services.

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  • Burgers but no beers: Emigrant Gap restaurant is connected to drug-alcohol recovery program

    The Sierra-Pacific Teen Challenge program supports people in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse with robust skills training, employment, on-site housing, and peer support. Of those who complete the program, about 85% remain clean and sober after 5 years.

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  • The Last Chance for Safe Injection Sites?

    There are 10 safe injection sites in Toronto, Canada. At each location, nurses are present to assist in intravenous drug use to prevent disease transmission and overdoses. Visitors can access mental health services, health care, and medication-assisted addiction treatment if they choose to.

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  • In Minneapolis, three-fourths of kids with elevated levels of lead are children of color. These workers are trying to do something about that.

    The Minneapolis City Health Department Health Homes team does community outreach in the neighborhoods with the highest elevated lead levels. Team members visit homes to inform parents about the dangers of lead, direct them to helpful resources, and test kids’ lead levels to help prevent long-term effects. If a house is deemed at risk of lead exposure, the team will inspect it and provide recommendations on how to eliminate the risk.

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  • Una vivienda para cuidar la salud de personas sin hogar

    Las Viviendas para la recuperación de la salud de Hogar Sí son un proyecto pionero en Europa que ofrece una solución a las personas afectadas por el sinhogarismo mayores de 18 años que tienen problemas de salud o necesitan cuidados paliativos, por un diagnóstico médico o alta hospitalaria.

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  • ADHS delivers vaccines, COVID-19 tests to underserved communities

    The Arizona Health Department delivers COVID-19 tests, vaccinations and other medical services to underserved, low-income communities via mobile vans, pop-up clinics and in-home services for those who struggle to access health care. Since the mobile program started in 2021, more than 140,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered.

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  • How Dobbs Triggered a ‘Vasectomy Revolution'

    The country’s only mobile vasectomy clinic, owned and operated by Esgar Guarín, works to get men to participate in contraception by getting a vasectomy, especially after the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade, and abortion bans across the country. Since the decision, there has been a massive spike in vasectomies. Throughout his career, Guarin has completed more than 3,000.

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  • How one unmarked van is quietly delivering abortion pills on Colorado's border

    Just The Pill operates a mobile clinic along the Colorado border to distribute abortion medications to patients from states that restrict abortion access after an initial telehealth consultation.

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  • Antimicrobial resistance: Patient led contact tracing helping Ugandan medics to fight drug resistant TB

    Since 2017, the Defeat TB (tuberculosis) program supported by USAID introduced a patient contact tracing program in Uganda wherein health workers and facilitators have been trained to trace a patient with multidrug-resistant TB back to their community to screen family members, conduct tests, and refer them for Xrays or treatment if needed. Introduced in the Mulago referral hospital, the program has since expanded to 16 other centers. Along with counseling, follow-ups, and provision of food assistance, it has helped increase the TB detection and treatment rate over the years.

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