Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Street to Class: NGO Provides Free Education, Transforms Lives

    Dolly Stars School is a tuition-free school run by the Dolly Children Foundation, which helps students who have been out of the education system get back on track with their studies. The foundation has programs in 30 communities that have reached more than 23,000 out-of-school children.

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  • Peace-building lessons from the heart of Nigeria

    The community-founded Claire Aid Foundation raised money on social media to rebuild houses that were destroyed in Jebbu Miango after a violent attack on the town left families displaced and unable to afford to return.

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  • Orphans, Vulnerable Children Are Getting A Chance At Education Despite Insurgency

    The Attaqwaa Foundation provides scholarships to orphans and families affected by Boko Haram insurgencies, as well as food aid, sanitary items, and health care supplies. The organization is currently sponsoring more than 30 children to help them continue their education.

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  • Reinventing a terror-free Borno State through child education

    The Future Prowess Islamic Foundation provides free education to roughly 2,000 students who have been affected by the violence of Boko Haram, including the children of Boko Haram insurgents. The organization also offers training and micro-loans to local widows to help them start their own businesses.

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  • A sanctuary of literary rituals moulds teenagers into star writers

    Through the Hill-top Creative Arts Foundation, teen writers in Nigeria receive mentorship from established writers and learn to give critique and be critiqued by their peers, with the ultimate goal of helping them become published authors.

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  • Here's Makoko Dream School Project; an initiative that's breaking barriers to education among children in Lagos waterfront

    The Makoko Dream School is a tuition-free education program serving students who live in waterfront areas. The school is funded through a Parent/Teacher Association levy and has served roughly 1,000 children so far.

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  • The Nigerian school with a radical idea: Teaching Boko Haram's kids

    Founded in the midst of ongoing violent conflict, the Future Prowess Islamic Foundation offers education to children and orphans from families fighting on both sides of the war between Boko Haram insurgents and the Nigerian government. With this inclusive approach, the organization has so far averted being targeted by Boko Haram, successfully keeping roughly 2,200 children in school without interruption during the peak of the insurgency.

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  • Greek community members say alcohol ban is effective

    The WSU Greek Row hard alcohol ban emerged after a student and fraternity member died from alcohol poisoning. To ensure Greek life members are respecting the ban and staying safe, registered functions have sober volunteers to monitor the event and help out in case there’s a dangerous situation.

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  • How Gen Z Is Fighting Back Against Big Tech

    A growing Generation Z movement is pushing back against social media companies and the pervasiveness of technology in young people’s lives, which can negatively impact mental health. LookUp is one organization that funds young people working to increase digital wellbeing. Funded initiatives include a youth summit that drew 1,200 people, apps that help people manage their social media usage and identify the connections to their wellbeing, and NoSo November, which urges young people to log off or delete all social media apps for the month of November as a group experience rather than an isolating one.

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  • Listen to me: pioneering hearing care in Chad

    Funded by the Hear the World Foundation, Écoute-moi! provides audiological care in Chad. Working closely with children at a school for hearing loss, the group conducts audiograms to assess hearing loss levels, fits the children with hearing aids, and supports them afterwards with things like speech therapy. In order to create a sustainable model of care, the nonprofit has also trained four local audiological care technicians, the first in the country to provide services. Speech therapy is an important part of the follow-up support to help children speak after not hearing for years.

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