Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • La Salle San Luis: un espacio para las altas capacidades

    Como respuesta a la atención especializada que puden necesitar estudiantes con altas capacidades, un colegio crea un programa que les permite profundizar en las materias que llevan día a día en las clases con los demás estudiantes, de manera que fomentan sus capacidades y evitan la distracción, el aburrimiento y problemas de salud mental.

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  • Donostia: Egia together with the homeless

    A group of volunteers came together to feed young people, mostly immigrants, living on the streets. Around 40 residents of Egia began cooking hot meals to serve to people in a local community square. Two volunteers are responsible for cooking each day and many more help distribute the food. Local businesses, like a bakery, donate food and help raise funds to sustain the program, which is largely paid for by the residents themselves. The program started small, with just a few residents bringing hot meals to the square to feed a few people, and has since scaled up.

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