Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Private School In Kuje Where Students Pay N100 A Day

    The Knowledge, Solutions, Skills and Kreativity school (KNOSK) enrolls low-income students at a much more affordable tuition rate than other public and private school options, giving children who would otherwise drop out access to education. The school currently serves 151 children with its first group of graduates set to finish in 2025.

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  • Volleyball Was for Girls. Now It's Booming With Boys.

    Accelerated by the First Point Foundation, a growing movement is working to increase the number of high school and college men's volleyball programs, a sport dominated by women's programs.

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  • St. Paul Public Schools go big on geothermal energy, using the earth to heat and cool buildings

    Public schools in St. Paul, Minnesota, are installing geothermal systems to heat and cool buildings with energy harnessed from underground temperatures. The efficient, affordable energy source allows them to keep school buildings at a comfortable temperature during the increasingly warmer summer months.

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  • Revolution in the Soil: How One School is Responding to Food Insecurity

    A community garden is part of the curriculum at the Mohammed Schools of Atlanta to teach students how to grow their own food. Amid a food desert, the garden provides fresh food for the school cafeteria and produces enough that students can take crops home to their families each week.

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  • Day care, baby supplies, counseling: Inside a school for pregnant and parenting teens  

    Lumen High School enrolls pregnant and parenting teens, providing a “learn-as-you-go” approach to learning that makes it possible for them to parent and stay in school. The school provides full-day child care, free baby supplies, mental health counseling and other supports to help get students to graduation day. All the Lumen High School students who graduate have been accepted into college, with 95% enrolling or choosing to start working within the six months after graduation.

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  • Upcycling Waste Spurs Art, Farming Among Lagos Students

    The Foundation for a Better Environment partners with public and private schools across Nigeria to make waste reduction a part of the curriculum. It's focused on teaching youth to reuse, recycle, and compost through practices like making art and building gardens.

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  • The queerest education in America: How LGBTQ+ kids thrive at this Indiana school

    At River Montessori High School, education is tailored to each student’s specific needs with an emphasis on self-directed, hands-on learning. Its welcoming atmosphere has attracted a significant population of LGBTQ+ students who say the school’s approach has helped them build confidence and find a sense of belonging.

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  • Skills, not As, are what count at Tulalip, Everett alternative schools

    Since instituting a skills-based education model, which allows students to direct their own learning and spend part of the school week learning trades or completing internships, Heritage High School has seen attendance improve and enrollment rise from 67 students to 110.

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  • Street to Class: NGO Provides Free Education, Transforms Lives

    Dolly Stars School is a tuition-free school run by the Dolly Children Foundation, which helps students who have been out of the education system get back on track with their studies. The foundation has programs in 30 communities that have reached more than 23,000 out-of-school children.

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  • St. Paul partnership brings trust, opportunities to troubled Karen youth

    A partnership between the local school district, police and the nonprofits the Karen Organization of Minnesota and The Urban Village is helping fight addiction and gang influence among Karen youth. Since the partnership was formed, overdoses among youth have decreased significantly, and some students have begun forming supportive relationships with specialists from nonprofits and local police whom they can lean on when they need to.

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