Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • My robot and I: Japanese stories of technology and old age

    Seniors in nursing homes and hospitals in Japan are often accompanied by a variety of robots designed to help prevent loneliness, cognitive decline, and the loss of mobility. A social robot might encourage them to dance while robot dogs and seals take the place of a pet without the responsibilities.

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  • Keene Lions Club screenings help kids envision healthy future

    The KidSight program offers free vision screenings to catch and correct eyesight problems early. The local Keene Lions Club offers these screenings throughout the year with the help of trained volunteers. Beyond screenings, the Lions Club can also fully cover the costs of any further care needed, such as glasses or more exams, for families living below 200% of the federal poverty level. The group screened 3,394 this past school year.

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  • A Ray Of Hope In Nigeria: Turning The Tide On Cervical Cancer

    The Help the Women Campaign raises awareness and provides free cervical cancer screenings. Since forming in 2021, the Campaign has reached 30,000 women and provided 500 screenings. The Campaign also led successful advocacy efforts that convinced the federal government to incorporate the HPV vaccine into the national immunization program.

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  • How Digital Technology is Improving Access to Health Services for Kenyan Youths

    Tiko Africa provides young people with free access to sexual and reproductive health education and services on a digital platform, including HIV testing and treatment, access to contraceptives and mental health support and counseling. Tiko operates in 15 counties and has benefited more than 290,000 young people since its launch.

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  • Could better asthma inhalers help patients, and the planet too?

    Healthcare professionals are educating their patients on the environmental impacts of metered-dose inhalers, which release a powerful greenhouse gas into the air with each puff. To reduce that impact, they’re offering an option with powdered medicine that patients manually suck into their lungs for those that are able to make the switch.

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  • 'More eggs, more baskets': How a network of abortion pill providers works together in the wake of new threats

    Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and individual states started passing strict abortion bans, groups like Aid Access, Hey Jane and Just the Pill began mailing abortion medications to women in states with bans. Six months after the Supreme Court decision, researchers saw an increase in women getting abortion medication outside of traditional healthcare settings. Aid Access alone reports mailing about 10,000 pills a month.

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  • Glasses Improve Income, Not Just Eyesight

    VisionSpring provides more than two million pairs of glasses each year to those in need. Studies show that, when provided with free reading glasses, workers experience a 33% increase in income as they’re able to see and aren’t forced to leave the working world early as they age.

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  • Mediación para derribar las barreras lingüísticas y culturales en salud

    Hasta la crisis migratoria ‘de los cayucos’ no existían mediadores interculturales en salud en España. En este marco surge el Servicio de Interpretación y Mediación Intercultural sociosanitaria de Salud Entre Culturas, uno de los pocos presenciales, integrado en un hospital. Su objetivo, junto con los teléfonos de interpretación idiomática, es echar abajo las barreras lingüísticas y socioculturales en la sanidad española.

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  • Can a 'prescription' for free fruits and vegetables improve health? Studies say yes.

    Produce prescription programs like FreshRx Oklahoma and Recipe4Health are taking off as ways to combat heart problems and other diseases like diabetes. These programs provide free fruits and veggies to participants, helping increase access to healthy foods and address food insecurity. Research over the course of a year shows Recipe4Health participants significantly lowered their cholesterol and food security rates among participants dropped from 59% to 48%.

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  • 19 Years On, Nigeria's School Feeding Program Still Falls Short

    The National Home Grown School Feeding program provides food to schoolchildren to support their health and education while simultaneously supporting local cooks and farmers. During its operation, the program reached millions of students across 3o states and led to a 20% increase in primary school enrollment.

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