Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How communities worldwide are working to solve the water crisis

    Communities around the world are developing innovative technological solutions to the growing water crisis. In California, for example, the Orange County Water District runs a wastewater recycling plant that purifies the water enough to be released back into the underground aquifer that supplies drinking water.

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  • The Backyard Farmers Who Grow Food With Fog

    El Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua is leading an initiative to install fog catchers in communities across Peru that lack access to water as they continue to face a drought. The nonprofit provides communities with a netted device, a network of tubes, and storage containers that they put together to harvest water from fog.

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  • This machine creates drinking water ‘from thin air' in driest parts of the world

    Solar-powered machines called hydropanels draw water vapor from the air to create drinking water for those without access to water from a utility and those living in a drought.

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  • Utah looks to expand cloud seeding to help with drought, Great Salt Lake

    Utah’s state government and Department of Natural Resources provide residents with machines to increase winter storm precipitation through cloud seeding. The process uses heat from a propane burner to release silver iodide into the air, which can increase snowfall and help combat drought.

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  • Are you watering your lawn wrong? USU's Water Checkers will help you figure it out

    Water Checkers visit homeowners in Salt Late City for free to help asses soil quality and determine if their sprinkler systems’ water distribution is working and efficient. By participating in this program, residents have reduced their irrigation by 7,900 gallons per month, which helps keep waters in tributaries of the Great Salt Lake.

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  • Drinking water in short supply? There's a solution in the air.

    As governments and residents wrestle with drought and dwindling water supplies, atmospheric water generation systems are popping up throughout the United States as a way to convert air into water. One product, called WeDew, collects water droplets that are formed when warm air meets a cool surface. That water can be used to water plants or create safe drinking water. These air-to-water generators are being used in places from California to Uganda.

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  • Researchers use waste glass to clean up polluted sea

    The beach in Omura Bay in Japan isn’t a normal beach covered in sand: It’s covered in glass. This glass beach, developed by the Nagasaki Prefectural Environmental Health Research Center, is meant to recycle waste from the ocean and promote the growth of shellfish to maintain the water’s health. After five years, the center has seen about 525 clams per square meter, an increase over previous years.

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  • Could crushed rocks absorb enough carbon to curb global warming?

    Scientists are testing if adding alkaline substances to seawater can allow oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide emissions. Early tests suggest this could be a potential way to combat climate change, but there are still many questions about how this can scale, how it impacts the natural ecosystem, and if it’s cost effective to implement.

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  • A River's Right to Flow

    In order to preserve and protect rivers a new movement that grants rivers personhood rights is growing. In places like New Zealand and Oregon, where some of these measures have passed rivers have the right to flow without having to be used as a resource for consumption. In New Mexico, the state engineer approved a water lease submitted by the National Audobon Society. The lease allows about 13 million gallons of water to flow annually solely for its own sake, similiar to personhood rights. The creative approach is one way conservationists are fighting for water preservation.

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  • The Clever Architectural Feature That Makes Life on Bermuda Possible

    There is no natural freshwater source on Bermuda, so residents turn to rainfall as a way to fulfill their water needs. The white limestone Bermuda roofs are used to catch and redirect rain into underground tanks that serve as their primary source of freshwater. Droughts happen, which has led to other solutions, but the limestone roofs are still primarily their largest source of freshwater.

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