Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Community-Driven Organisation Is Helping To Re-Staff A Government Girls' School In Kano

    Using donations and contributions from the community, the organization Tsakuwa Mu Farka was able to hire 26 new staff for its local school of roughly 800 students, bringing the number of qualified teachers from eight to 34. Tsakuwa Mu Farka helped sponsor some of these teachers' training, which made candidates more interested in accepting positions there despite its limited funding resources.

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  • A Private School In Kuje Where Students Pay N100 A Day

    The Knowledge, Solutions, Skills and Kreativity school (KNOSK) enrolls low-income students at a much more affordable tuition rate than other public and private school options, giving children who would otherwise drop out access to education. The school currently serves 151 children with its first group of graduates set to finish in 2025.

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  • Help is On the Way: Filling the Gap for Black Teachers

    The Center for Black Educator Development aims to attract more Black students to teaching careers through courses at career and technical education centers, summer apprenticeship programs for high school and college students, and paid fellowships for participants who go on to pursue education in college. The organization has awarded 55 fellowships since its inception and employs roughly 100 students each summer in its apprenticeship programs.

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  • Meet the 'New' Scientists Engineering Uganda's Future

    Young Engineers is a STEM education program that helps children build technical skills and knowledge through hands-on activities with a focus on problem-solving. The organization is women-led, and the majority of its 800 participants are girls.

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  • Inside the Hausa edtech platform bridging the language divide for Africans

    The online education platform Flowdiary is bridging a language gap in the industry by offering training courses in Hausa, so young people in Hausa-speaking communities across Africa can learn the necessary skills for a career in technology.

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  • Against all odds: Educating Nigeria's Fulani children amidst adversity

    Founded to address the root causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria, such as lack of access to education, as well as raise awareness of Fulani culture, the Fulani Care and Support Foundation set up makeshift classrooms to provide formal education for children aged 7 to 12. By relying on volunteer teachers, one of the foundation’s schools offers lessons for about 50 students three times a week.

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  • Michigan's free school meals yield high returns for student health and academic success

    Free school meal programs help improve students’ health, support better academic performance and combat hunger and food insecurity. Several states have passed legislation to keep free meal plans active after federal waivers ran out in 2022. In Michigan alone in October 2023, the 3,459 school meal sites across the state served 10,064,686 free breakfasts and 17,659,809 free lunches.

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  • Day care, baby supplies, counseling: Inside a school for pregnant and parenting teens  

    Lumen High School enrolls pregnant and parenting teens, providing a “learn-as-you-go” approach to learning that makes it possible for them to parent and stay in school. The school provides full-day child care, free baby supplies, mental health counseling and other supports to help get students to graduation day. All the Lumen High School students who graduate have been accepted into college, with 95% enrolling or choosing to start working within the six months after graduation.

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  • How a 26-year-old Christian makes "scholars" of Islamic street kids

    The Almajiri Scholar Scheme launched in 2022 to help Almajiri children master skills such as the alphabet, numbers, reading comprehension and the English language, while still allowing time for their Quranic studies and prayer. The Scheme also provides vocational training, teaching skills like shoemaking and tailoring, and had 60 children enrolled within its first eight months.

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  • The queerest education in America: How LGBTQ+ kids thrive at this Indiana school

    At River Montessori High School, education is tailored to each student’s specific needs with an emphasis on self-directed, hands-on learning. Its welcoming atmosphere has attracted a significant population of LGBTQ+ students who say the school’s approach has helped them build confidence and find a sense of belonging.

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