Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nonprofit Fund Raises Private Dollars To Buy Affordable Housing – Before Private Equity Does

    The housing and homelessness nonprofit Community Solutions raised $135 million in private capital to create a fund to buy housing properties and keep them permanently affordable. It promises investors modest returns and looks to buy properties in good condition close to necessary services like grocery stores and health care.

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  • Alhambra neighbors work together to help those less fortunate

    Volunteers and neighborhood residents gather at the Alhambra Beloved Community Church in Phoenix, Arizona, each week to provide meals, showers, and a place to get out of the summer heat to people who need it.

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  • An experiment doled out money to homeless people in Denver, no strings attached. Here's what happened.  

    The Denver Basic Income Project provided people experiencing homelessness with no-strings-attached monthly stipends that they could spend however they’d like. At the end of the pilot, twice as many participants were in stable housing, more of them were working full time, and the nights that participants spent in shelters decreased by half.

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  • Denver Basic Income Project shares results after one year of cash payments to homeless Denverites

    The Denver Basic Income Project has provided more than $9.4 million in no-strings-attached payments to over 800 people experiencing homelessness. The nonprofit gives participants monthly stipends that they can spend however they see fit. As a result, more participants are finding housing, building financial stability, and finding stable employment.

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  • WA's 'one of a kind' youth homelessness response shows big results

    Washington's Office of Homeless Youth administers funding and creates policy solutions to help youth experiencing homelessness across the state. The agency organizes services like shelter, sober-living housing, and financial assistance tailored to their personal experiences.

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  • New Indigenous-led shelter provides help to those in need

    Pejuta Waste O’Tipi is an indigenous-led resource that provides support to the local homeless community, including shelter, meals, cultural healing, peer support and leadership training to help them reenter the community. The shelter serves meals to over 100 people each day, and more than half of the participants have maintained sobriety since visiting the shelter.

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  • Booted From the Army, He Spiraled. Now He Works to Solve the Veteran Homelessness Crisis

    Various efforts to reduce veteran homelessness have worked together over the years to cut the number of unhoused veterans almost in half since 2019. One such effort is the VA Housing First model, which prioritizes finding permanent, supportive housing without conditions like sobriety. In 2023 alone, the VA placed more than 46,500 veterans into permanent housing.

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  • Volusia County couple offers clean start to homeless residents

    A mobile shower facility called God’s Bathouse stops at churches in Florida to provide a safe environment for people experiencing homelessness to take a hot shower and address their health maintenance needs.

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  • What If Finding Affordable Housing Worked More Like Matchmaking?

    Brilliant Corners helps vulnerable, low-income individuals secure housing by working with other local organizations, including the Flexible Housing Subsidy Poll, which helps match people with suitable housing options. Brilliant Corners has helped about 13,000 people get into permanent housing and can cover over $10 million in rent subsidies every month.

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  • Protecting Sacramento's unhoused pet community

    The Bradshaw Animal Shelter’s PAWS mobile clinic travels to homeless encampments and shelters throughout the community to provide care to residents’ pets, including vaccinations, microchips, flea, tick and parasite prevention, as well as spay and neuter services, free of charge.

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