Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nonprofit Fund Raises Private Dollars To Buy Affordable Housing – Before Private Equity Does

    The housing and homelessness nonprofit Community Solutions raised $135 million in private capital to create a fund to buy housing properties and keep them permanently affordable. It promises investors modest returns and looks to buy properties in good condition close to necessary services like grocery stores and health care.

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  • The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in

    One thousand people received $1,000 monthly payments with no strings attached for three years as part of a guaranteed income study led by the nonprofit lab OpenResearch. The participants were young, low-income Americans across Illinois and Texas, and the flexibility of the cash payments allowed them to spend more on their basic needs, have more time with their children, and improve their employment situations.

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  • Dental therapists, who can fill cavities and check teeth, get the OK in more states

    Dental therapists provide basic preventative dental care, filling cavities, placing crowns and extracting teeth under a dentist’s supervision. The occupation is growing as it fills gaps in access to dental care, making it easier for people to care for their oral health. Dental therapists are most common in rural, Native areas where access to care is scarce. In rural Alaska alone, more than 40,000 people now have regular access to dental care thanks to dental therapists.

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  • Pennsylvania Legalized Speed Cameras. You Won't Believe What Happened Next.

    A pilot program tested speed cameras on one of Philadelphia’s most dangerous roads to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities and found speeding violations decreased by 90%. The program works by using the cameras to issue warnings to anyone driving 11 miles or more over the speed limit and then issuing fines after a 60-day grace period. Following the program’s success, it’s beginning to gain momentum in other cities, too.

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  • B.C. caribou pens found to be an 'unequivocal' success

    The West Moberly First Nations and the Saulteau First Nation are working together to save the local Klinse-Za caribou herd from disappearing. They created a large fenced habitat where caribou and newborn calves can survive away from predators and keep a careful watch on the animals.

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  • Free air conditioners available again in Pa. through utility assistance program

    Pennsylvania uses funding from the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to provide air-conditioning units and repair units for people who would otherwise be unable to afford them.

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  • Against all odds: Educating Nigeria's Fulani children amidst adversity

    Founded to address the root causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria, such as lack of access to education, as well as raise awareness of Fulani culture, the Fulani Care and Support Foundation set up makeshift classrooms to provide formal education for children aged 7 to 12. By relying on volunteer teachers, one of the foundation’s schools offers lessons for about 50 students three times a week.

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  • Redefining Masculinity: This Initiative Engages Men In The Fight Against SGBV

    Boys Champion educates young boys on healthy masculinity, combatting cultural norms that lead to sexual and gender-based violence through various outreach initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and events held at local schools. Since 2018, the group has reached more than 10,000 young boys, teaching them ways to promote gender equality in their communities.

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  • Dwindling Fish Populations Causing Conflicts over Fishing Grounds in Homa Bay

    To prevent conflicts between fishermen attempting to fish in the same areas in Rusinga Island, Kenya, a zoning method was created. Each group of fishermen are allowed on certain fishing grounds for 15 days, then they must rotate.

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  • Just coffee in an unjust world

    Café Justo offers an alternative model to traditional fair-trade operations, keeping the entire means of coffee production in the farmers’ hands. They connect the farmer directly to the consumer, eliminating the need for people in the middle who would often gather up the profits. In Salvador Urbina, the Café Justo cooperative has about 80 farming families and sends out more than 1,000 pounds of coffee a month.

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