Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Test and trace: lessons from Hong Kong on avoiding a coronavirus lockdown

    In Hong Kong, the government has been able to successfully contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to a two-pronged strategy of testing and tracing, in which disease detectives track and monitor the interactions and movements of known infected people. The two strategies are mutually reinforcing and co-dependent.

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  • Volunteers create world's fastest supercomputer to combat coronavirus

    By allowing volunteers to take part in the scientific task of ‘folding proteins’ while they're abiding by lockdown protocols during the coronavirus pandemic, the "world’s fastest traditional supercomputer" has been achieved. The distributed effort which decentralizes who can take part in downloading and running the software necessary, holds potential for helping researchers better understand how the virus binds to a human cell.

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  • How Greece is beating coronavirus despite a decade of debt

    Greece took a proactive approach to contain the coronavirus – screening people as they entered the country even before any confirmed cases had been reported and then quarantining anyone returning from Spain in hotel rooms – and it appears so far to be working. The country's approach, which as been lauded by many as "textbook crisis management," also leveraged the crisis "to enact long overdue digital reforms" that have helped to eliminate red tape and make processes more efficient.

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  • The superhero firms helping out in the coronavirus crisis

    Across England, businesses are stepping up to help their neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s Glasses Direct, which is gifting 4,000 pairs of glasses to National Health Service workers, and Fully Charged, offering health care workers 3 months of free e-bike usage. Remote services are being offered too, with Thrive Law has created a helpline for those experiencing crisis to receive free legal advice, and Ascenti, offering free and remote physiotherapy sessions for the elderly and NHS employees.

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  • Elimination: what New Zealand's coronavirus response can teach the world

    Adopting vigorous public health interventions early on is key when aiming for elimination over mitigation. In contrast to many countries mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic by “flattening the curve,” New Zealand’s early lockdowns and travel restrictions characterized a strategy of early elimination. Despite economic costs, New Zealand focused on eliminating nearly all chains of transmission.

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  • Symptom-trackers and doctor dorms: how universities are fighting Covid-19

    In the UK, universities are playing a role in containing the coronavirus and helping communities cope by creating innovative solutions and using of technology to expand access. From converting shipping containers into vertical farms that provide food to those experiencing homelessness to teaching businesses how to move their work online, "universities are using their research and resources to improve people’s lives."

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  • Lockdown living: how Europeans are avoiding going stir crazy

    As governments order lockdowns of cities and countries due to coronavirus concerns, many people are at risk for experiencing mental health issues such as loneliness and anxiety. To combat this, people are turning to telemedicine for counseling consultations and to keep in touch with loved ones, as well as activities such as exercise to improve moods.

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  • 'It's a community effort': Wiltshire villagers unite against coronavirus isolation

    Wiltshire villagers are coordinating to each volunteer their specific skill set to help people during the quarantine. A parish councilor divided the village into 18 parts and designated 33 volunteers to each region to stay in close touch with those who are self-isolating and who need support. Volunteers from a range of ages and careers have come forward to contribute a range of services, including finding tactics to combat boredom during social isolation— kettlebell workouts over a video call.

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  • South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against Covid-19 – and they worked

    As South Korea became aware of the enevetible spread of the coronavirus, the government was able to quickly act due to having an emergency plan in place from battling the SARS epidemic in 2003. This allowed for the testing to be conducted early on – and not just those exhibiting symptoms – and also activated a temporary provision that offered a subsidy to those that had to self-isolate.

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  • Saving a city millions of gallons of water – one tap at a time

    As part of the Fix for Life campaign, members of Active Citizens Together for Sustainability (ACTS) have been working with plumbers to install taps on the free water pipes across Kolkata. Without taps, a significant amount of water goes to waste, and this is the problem that ACTS is trying to fix. The group, informed by locals who submit locations of pipes that need attention, are on their way to their goal of fixing 1,500 pipes.

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