Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why some young professionals settle in small-town Montana

    Despite the brain drain struggle that some Montana small towns face, young professionals are finding reasons to move back to the state and towns they call home. Some towns have tried specific strategies, such as promoting good public schools and reaching out to alumni when good job opportunities become available. For others, professionals are drawn to the community and more relaxed pace of life. Still, towns are continuing to fight in creative ways for talent to come back home.

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  • Ancestral Pueblo logging practices could save New Mexico pinelands

    As wildfires become increasingly more prevalent and powerful, researchers in New Mexico are turning their attention to mitigation successes from ancestral generations. By implementing some of these methods such as selective logging, the hope is that intentional thinning of forests will lead to similar results.

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  • In the Southwest, a sustainable breed of cattle

    A breed of cattle that is uncommon in the Southwest is making a comeback and increasing sustainability for ranchers. The criollo cow can withstand the increasing dry spells, even thriving in hot and dry conditions. Cattle ranchers often resort to selling off cattle when droughts result in water and grass shortages, causing economic hardship. Criollo cattle are less likely to catch and spread disease, improve grasslands, and require less food and water.

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  • From ‘hallway' to artery, a town rebuilds Main Street

    Small towns like Farmington, New Mexico take advantage of federal funds from Main Street America and the Metropolitan Redevelopment Act in order to revitalize their town centers and boost their local economies. Farmington, which saw an economic decline surrounding the coal & mining industry, has been able to use money to repair store fronts, replace water systems, and more.

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  • In New Mexico, demographic shifts have helped job growth

    Historically there has been stigma and pushback to bilingual and immigrant programs, but some counties are starting to embrace diversity as key to economic development. Greater diversity spurs innovation, entrepreneurship, and population growth in rural areas, recognition of these benefits has eased the stigma and encouraged more immigrant programs.

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  • Where in the West young people are moving

    Rural counties across the West are grappling with how to entice more young people to remain local, but a few counties demonstrate what it takes to succeed. By focusing on niche tourism industries, education, and housing, counties in Washington, Idaho, Colorado, and Utah are paving the way to bring families and young people back to the West.

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  • Farming in Alaska is increasingly possible

    Historically, farming has been very difficult in Alaska, making certain food products very expensive, and leading to a lack of locally grown food. However, due to climate change and new technology, farming is increasingly possible.

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  • As oceans acidify, shellfish farmers respond

    The oceans are acidifying at an alarming rate due to human-influenced climate change, and the effects are proving detrimental to our food chain and the marine ecosystem - especially shellfish, which are literally crumbling due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide. But shellfish farmers, governments, and scientists are striving to respond with a variety of solutions that vary from the short-term, such as altering methods for growing shellfish for improved harvest, to the bigger picture, seeking ways to decrease CO2 emissions on a global scale.

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  • The Seri adapt to climate change in the desert

    A group who is being affected the most by climate change in the Sonoran Desert is also working to fight climate change using both tradition and new technology. The Seri are a small tribe whose ecological knowledge has helped them survive in harsh conditions for 2,000 years. This knowledge is being harnessed and combined with new education to help them weather the rapid climate change that is rapidly changing the delicate ecology they have lived in. Hopefully this work can help other groups in similar situations.

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  • Can coal remain the bedrock of Wyoming's economy?

    In Wyoming, the economic development is closely linked to the coal industry. Forty percent of the coal is being mined in this state. However, the industry is declining and many people are losing their jobs. To adjust to this change, the state is trying to diversify and focus on clean coal and renewable energy, such as wind, as new manufacturers and technologies are attracted to the state.

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