Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Geier-Restaurants in Nepal

    Nepals Geier waren gefürchtet und standen kurz vor der Ausrottung. Dann fanden Naturschützer mit "Geier-Restaurants" einen Weg, den Vögeln zu helfen und gleichzeitig Tourismus und Wirtschaft einer ganzen Region anzukurbeln.

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  • Tidal energy could be huge – why isn't it?

    Tidal power is a form of renewable energy that is caused when wind turbines are placed on the sea floor. These powerful turbines harness the power of tides and could capture enough energy to power all the homes in the U.S. Tidal Range Plants have been installed in countries like France, South Korea, Canada, and China. Despite their power, they require a lot of money to install and have mostly been installed in wealthy countries in the Global North.

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  • How cuddle therapy aims to combat loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated feelings of loneliness, leading many to turn to professional cuddling therapists for human touch. Physical touch can help alleviate feelings of social isolation and has benefits for both physical and mental health.

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  • Spain has one the highest vaccination rates in the world without government mandates or incentives. Here is what's behind the Spanish success story and what others could learn from it.

    Spain achieved one of the highest vaccination rates among Western countries in part because of longstanding trust and confidence in the public health system and data-informed strategies. The public generally trusted the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine because of a history of cooperation and positive public health outcomes. The norm of inter-generational living also gave young people more incentive to get vaccinated to protect their elderly residents and officials used this as part of the public health messaging. Officials also personally called and set up vaccine appointments for everyone they could reach.

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  • Uhifadhi wa mbega Kenya

    Kuhusisha wanafunzi katika uhifadhi wa wanyamapori haswa mbega, ambao wako kwa hatari ya kuangamia kutokana na uharibifu wa misitu, unasaidia kulinda wanyama wao. Wanafunzi wanaelimishwa kuhusu mbega, mila za wazee wa kaya na wanayofanya ndani ya misitu kisha kupelekwa msituni kusudi kufahamu misitu na athari za tabia nchi. Wanahimizwa kupanda miti haswa za kienyeji shuleni na nyumbani na pia kutokata miti ovyo.

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  • Agroforestry: A solution to farming's biggest problems?

    In agroforestry, traditional farming of plants and animals is combined with the planting of different types of trees. It is much more sustainable than traditional agriculture, which takes a huge toll on the environment. In an agroforestry system, the trees planted around a crop can provide shelter and food for the animals, reducing overall greenhouse emissions. The trees also increase other wildlife like bees and insects, and they add more nutrients to the soil.

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  • "قاوم".. مبادرة لدعم ومساندة ضحايا الابتزاز الجنسي في مصر

    تدعم مجموعة فيسبوك محلية النساء ضحايا الابتزاز الجنسي، اللاتي لا يمكنهن طلب مساعدة الشرطة خوفا من الفضيحة. إذ يجمع متطوعون محليون معلومات عن المبتزين، ويحاولون الوصول إلى أقاربهم لفضحهم إن لزم الأمر، ويطلبون من المبتزين أن يصورا أنفسهم وهم يحذفون الصور ومقاطع الفيديو.

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  • In Egypt, online group Qawem saving hundreds of women from sextortion

    The Egyptian Facebook group Qawem (Arabic for resist) helps victims of sextortion by turning threats around to target the attacker. Sextortion, in which threatened disclosure of a person's nude or other embarrassing photos are used as a tool of extortion, is illegal in Egypt. But women – the typical victims – are often reluctant to report incidents to the police, out of shame or fear. When victims report sextortion attempts to Qawem, volunteers counsel the victims while other volunteers track down the extortionists and threaten to expose them to their family or friends. About 200 cases per week get resolved.

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  • Tiny Forests: Mehr Artenvielfalt in der Stadt?

    "Tiny Forests" sollen die Artenvielfalt in Städten erhöhen, die Luftqualität verbessern und das Wohlbefinden steigern. Seinen Ursprung hat das Konzept in Asien, jetzt breitet es sich auch in Europa immer weiter aus.

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  • Ein Froschzüchter kämpft gegen illegalen Wildtierhandel in Kolumbien

    Kolumbien gilt als eines der artenreichsten Länder der Welt. Doch jedes Jahr fallen tausende Tiere der Wilderei zum Opfer. Ivan Lozanos hilft, bedrohte Arten wie den Goldenen Pfeilgiftfrosch vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren, indem er sie züchtet und legal verkauft.

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