Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • College dreams often melt away in summer months. ‘Near-peer' counseling is helping keep them alive.

    A "near-peer" mentoring program offers a promising model for similar initiatives working to prevent "summer melt" for low-income students in the summer between their graduation from high school and arrival at college. College-age mentors provide in-person coaching and respond to texts about financial aid and other concerns.

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  • This land is their land

    The Outdoor Equity Fund in New Mexico introduces troubled youth across the state to exploration in nature as a sort of informal therapy and mental retreat. The Fund - a first of it's kind across the nation - distributes resources and funding to local outdoor and youth-centered nonprofits to spread the impact of their missions across the state.

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  • 4.5 Million Young People Nationwide Are Not Working or in School. How Cities Are Working to Get Them Back on Track — & Avoid the School-to-Prison Pipeline

    There is a certain population of youth aged 16-24 that are neither in school nor working because of some derailment (oftentimes burdensome responsibilities) along the way. A national organization called Nxt Level helps people get back on track with their goals through a specialized team that helps an individual with things like getting a GED, mental health or legal resources, job training, and food programs. They even work with local businesses to give the kids a chance and hire them upon their completion of the program. Nxt Level now has centers in Baltimore, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and more.

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  • Bringing Together Young And Old To Ease The Isolation Of Rural Life

    Due to urban migration from rural areas, communities in less populated regions around the country are experiencing increased loneliness and lack of social connection; a health organization in Minnesota is building personal relationships to between youth and elders to combat that loneliness. Through intergenerational trust building and social activities, rural residents in 18 Minnesota towns combat isolation, depression and anxiety.

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  • Youth Villages Founder Patrick Lawler On Its Origin And Impact

    Youth Villages, a nonprofit started in Tennessee over 30 years ago has helped improve the lives of children who face difficulties in their homes while saving money on the child welfare system. Instead of immediately removing children from their problematic homes, Youth Villages works on building relationships with the parents and providing in-home support services to both the parents and the children to ensure that they have a successful future. Additionally, the organization supports foster kids who age out of the system, and has managed to place many children back with their families securely.

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  • How Do You Stop Abusive Relationships? Teach Teens How to Be Respectful Partners

    A program called RAPP (Relationship Abuse Prevention Program) uses safe spaces for teens to talk about their romantic relationships with both peer and adult leaders as a way to prevent abusive relationships through education. It is supported by New York City's Human Resources Administration, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, Day One, and Steps to End Violence and Urban Resource Institute (URI). The program is now in 94 schools across the city, and participants / peer leaders testify to how much it changed their lives.

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  • The South Sudanese Refugee Dance Group with a Mission

    In 2018 Bidibidi's Got Talent crowned the dance group Burn dem squad as best in the entire settlement. The group was founded by a few teenage boys and is now made up of 15 members aged 17-19. The founders say that they use dance as a way to make friends and to "help fellow refugees deal with trauma from the war, raise awareness about social ills and promote peacebuilding between the diverse ethnic groups in the settlement and the host community".

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  • Tucson-area reproductive-health program thrives by allowing teens to help teens

    Peer-to-peer reproductive health programs allow the concerns of youth to be heard and addressed. In Tucson, Arizona, the El Rio Health Center’s Reproductive Health Access Project allowed young people to have a say in the design of the program and types of services offered, including sexual health screenings and education. With the help a grant through Advocates for Youth, the program also operates AZ Shine, a teen-focused appointment service.

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  • The hip hop school taking on Medellin's mean streets

    Learning the art of hip-hop provides youth with an alternative to the violence and despair that characterize disadvantaged neighborhoods. In Medellin, Colombia, a program called 4 Elementos teaches kids dance, Dj’ing, rap, and graffiti in a structured way, providing a creative outlet. Hosted in the high school of one the cities most troubled neighborhoods, the program began as an initiative of the Colombian hip-hop group, Crew Peligrosos. Having already reached thousands of kids, the program is looking to expand across Colombia with support from the ABC Foundation.

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  • Nevada teens find community as they navigate homelessness and adulthood together

    Clark County, Nevada has one of the largest populations of unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness - fifth in the nation after San Jose, New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Shelters like the Shannon West Homeless Youth center in Las Vegas do more just provide shelter and essential services, they also provide necessary space for youth to connect and support each other.

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