Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These Black Students Have Fought Over-Policing In Schools for Years

    The Minneapolis school board’s vote to remove police from public schools arose not only from protests over the police killing of George Floyd, but also from a long-term advocacy project to end the so-called school-to-prison pipeline. Local youth activists for years have piggybacked on a national movement to stop the racially disparate practice of criminalizing student misbehavior. A coalition of groups, nationally and in Minneapolis, marshaled evidence of the racial inequity of such policing and the benefits of reinvesting the money saved on police in restorative justice programs and other services.

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  • Food drives around Chicago continue a tradition of revolutionaries feeding the community

    Many organizations are holding food drives, providing hot meals, and delivering essential items like groceries and diapers to children and their communities in underserved Chicago neighborhoods. Based on a tradition of providing free breakfast to kids started by the Black Panther Party, the initiatives began as a way to serve those participating in Black Lives Matters protests and shifted to reach communities, most of which are food deserts that rely on corner stores that have closed because of protests. The communities have many needs and some organizations plan on continuing to provide additional services.

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  • Youth Are Flipping an Abandoned North Carolina Prison into a Sustainable Farm

    A former North Carolina prison has been reclaimed by the nonprofit Growing Change to teach sustainable farming to youth who otherwise might be doomed to their own prison terms without an effective intervention. The 9-year-old program, while small, is meant to serve as a model for reusing many other shuttered prisons as the nation’s incarceration numbers fall. Boasting positive effects on recidivism, the program’s focus is the racially diverse youth of the rural, impoverished eastern part of the state – the same people who disproportionately get imprisoned.

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  • Hungarian Program Connects Seniors With Stand-in Grandkids

    The How Are You Today? program connects elderly Hungarians with young people who are also deprived of social connections during the Covid-19 pandemic. Festival Volunteer Center joined with Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta to connect about 70 pairs for regular, supportive conversations to alleviate loneliness. Volunteers are trained to maintain boundaries to avoid certain emotional risks, however many participants have formed strong bonds and want the program to continue in some form after the pandemic. The organization is working on sustainable funding solutions to enable long-term operations.

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  • USDA Acts Fast To Help Schools Offer Families Take-Out, Grocery Money

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has effectively responded to the Covid-19 crisis by quickly helping existing programs provide food aid to families. School lunch programs rapidly moved from providing hot food to children who qualify to a to-go style menu for all children under 18 and offers grocery money to families who can’t pick up food. The USDA also expanded SNAP with increased monthly allowances and options for online shopping. There have been administrative difficulties coordinating aid so quickly that has caused delays to some families getting the food they need.

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  • A vírus “mellékhatása”: generációkat kötött össze egy magyar program a kijárási korlátozás alatt

    A „Hogy tetszik lenni?” projekt magyar nyugdíjasokat és fiatalokat ismertet össze, akiknek megritkultak a társas kapcsolatai a Covid-19 járvány idején. A Fesztivál Önkéntes Központ a Máltai Szeretetszolgálattal közösen hetven idős-fiatal párt hozott össze, akik rendszeres beszélgetésekkel mérsékelték magányérzetüket. A fiatal önkénteseket felkészítették arra, hogy miként kerüljenek el bizonyos érzelmi reakciókat. A projekt eredményeként a résztvevők szoros személyes kapcsolatot alakítottak ki és ezt a járvány után is fenn kívánják tartani.

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  • As Covid-19 tears through Navajo Nation, young people step up to protect their elders

    Across Navajo Nation, young people are coming together to protect their elders through grassroots efforts and campaigns. They’ve created online campaigns, like Protect the Sacred and #NavajoStrong to help provide accurate information, collect donations, deliver medical supplies, and recruit medical professionals. They’ve come together on-the-ground, creating the Northern Dine Covid-19 Relief Effort to get clearing products, fresh food, and other supplies to households on the reservation.

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  • Symbiotic Relationships

    Symbios, a group home in Brno, Czech Republic, aims to equip young adults who grew up in children's homes with life skills by pairing them with college-aged adults, who come from traditional home environments. Within the affordable flat, participants are paired by gender, given their own private room, and those who came from children's homes to learn basic skills like cooking, finding furniture for their unfurnished quarters, and being responsible for their own bills. The experience also allows residents to learn more about people who grew up differently, sharing similarities and differences along the way.

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  • How some Mississippi teens are saving their town from climate change

    Through the Achieving Sustainability Through Education and Economic Development Solutions (ASEEDS) Creek Rangers program, teens and community leaders are raising awareness of the effects of climate change in their small Mississippi town. They’ve fixed their community’s drainage system to help mitigate floods that have impacted the area for years. While some people were skeptical of their efforts, they’ve been able to work with pastors and other people to show how climate change is already impacting them.

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  • Connecting With Incarcerated Parents Is Easier With Photo Patch, an App Developed By a Teen

    The Photo Patch Foundation helps connect children with parents who are experiencing incarceration. Using its website or mobile app, children can write letters and upload photos, which will then be printed and mailed by the organization at no cost. The Foundation, funded by donations and grants, was created by a father-daughter duo who had experienced the issue firsthand.

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