Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Recruiting teachers with a social justice hook

    In 2011, a professor at the University of Colorado implemented Pathways2Teaching in several local high schools. Through this "grown your own" program, juniors and seniors study teaching and education through a race and equity lens. The program has motivated students to stay in school and attracted more students of color to the profession. Now, Duluth's public schools are working to implement a similar curriculum in the hopes of developing a long-term pipeline for local teachers of color.

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  • Mother shares story of teenage son's suicide: 'He never seemed depressed'

    Teenage suicides are gaining attention in order to prevent the "Silent Epidemic" of youth epidemic. Programs are now being implemented in schools to provide a place for students to get help, teachers are being educated about warning signs, and parents are also being educated about identifying children who are suicidal.

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  • How high schools break up the ‘ninth-grade bottleneck' to help students graduate on time

    Acting on research that suggests students' freshman year grades are a reliable predictor of whether or not they will graduate from high school, administrators and teachers in Seattle are implementing new efforts to avoid "the ninth-grad bottleneck." With the addition of new counselors and tutors and close monitoring of students throughout their freshman year, schools have seen improvements in retention rates, grades, and test scores. One principal said, “Our aim was to create a culture where failure was literally not an option.”

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  • While Pa. debates merits of Pre-K, Ontario goes all-in

    Part 4 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system. But, like Pennsylvania, evidence in Toronto suggests that Ontario has struggled to close achievement gaps between historically underserved minorities and their peers. Many believe universal pre-K will prove to be the decisive factor in bridging that gap.

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  • Ontario celebrates diversity, but still works to close achievement gaps

    Part 2 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario has become widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students, particularly compared to the system in Pennsylvania. Keys to Ontario's success include celebrating diversity and catering education modules to the varied backgrounds of their students, as well as increased parent-teacher involvement.

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  • Forging Their Own Path: Parental Activism Helps Launch Citizens of the World Charter School

    A group of Kansas City parents were frustrated with the local public and charter school offerings and sent out an RFP seeking potential partners and funders for a new type of school. The group ultimately decided to work with Citizens of the World to design a school more reflective of the cultural and economic diversity of the population. “Education needs to be parent-driven, and if they feel their needs aren’t being met by traditional schools, they ought to be in a position to affect change in that system or seek alternatives,” Al Dimmitt, superintendent of a local charter school network, noted.

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  • A Rust Belt City's School Turnaround

    In a Buffalo school district where many students from low-income families struggled with trauma, attendance, and the effects of poverty, a nonprofit initiative called Say Yes to Education is implementing drastic change. The program increases graduation rates for minority students, grants scholarships and admissions guidance to colleges, provides medical and mental health care to under-served students, brings in mentors and after-school programs, and even assists students parents with job-readiness workshops and housing assistance.

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  • Reimagining failure: ‘Last-chance' schools are the future of American high schools

    In the last decade, collaborations between non-profit student-support organizations and public schools have fostered a model called "Last-Chance Schools" with remarkable success. The program targets root causes for dropping out, including economic disadvantages, mental health challenges, violence, and unstable home lives. As several Boston charter schools demonstrate, use of social-emotional learning, conflict mediation instead of zero-tolerance discipline, and flexible curricula has helped boost graduation and college acceptance rates while lowering suspensions.

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  • Building From Within: KCPS Parents Score Unique Victory In Reopening Hale Cook Elementary

    In 2013, a group of Kansas City parents successfully reopened a formerly shuttered elementary school, sparking new optimism following the mass closing of schools from 2009 to 2010. However, the project has garnered significant criticism for catering largely to a white and wealthy population. One longtime local education advocate remarked, “I support parents wanting the best education for their kid,” she said. “But I don’t support creating little enclaves that function as well-vested private schools and calling them public.”

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  • Why Boston Is Paying Ex-Gang Members To Go To College

    Dorchester, the Boston neighborhood with the highest poverty levels, struggles to keep kids in school from engaging with gangs and crime. But College Bound Dorchester (CBD) is fast rewriting the solution to high drop out and recidivism rates, paying ex-offenders a weekly stipend to enroll in and complete a diploma program and proceed to (and through) college. With "core influencers" -- ex-gang members who have "left behind their troubled pasts" -- as role models in the community, CBD emulates similar programs in Chicago and Baltimore, and studies show the initiative is working.

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