Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A La Reliure du Limousin, les aides gouvernementales sont indispensables au succès de l'apprentissage

    Chez La Reliure du Limousin, entreprise de reliure et de restauration de documents anciens, les financements publics soutiennent un programme d’apprentissage qui allie formation technique et cours théoriques. L’entreprise accueille 10 apprentis par an et a jusqu’à présent embauché une douzaine pour des postes permanents.

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  • The Fifth Vital Sign: Atlanta Doctors Are Talking Climate Change With Patients

    Doctors are leveraging trust built over time with patients to combat misinformation around climate change. The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and its affiliates, including Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action, train healthcare providers on climate communication through fellowships, advocacy work, and educational materials to better equip them for these conversations.

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  • This school is empowering Almajiris in Katsina  with skills to stop them from begging

    Save Humanity is a mobile vocational school that serves Almijiris, or those on a pilgrimage for Islamic knowledge, as well as other students without adequate access to education. The organization provides tutors that visit area schools twice a week to lead training in mobile phone repairs, leather working, and satellite dish installation so that Almijiris can earn a living, with 134 participants trained in 2024.

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  • 'Gen Silent' and the bumpy road to improve LGBTQ elder care in Massachusetts

    A Massachusetts law requires state-licensed elder services providers to train their staff on caring for LGBTQ+ people. However, because discrimination complaints are not systematically tracked and facilities are not penalized for noncompliance, it’s unclear whether the legislation has had an impact on the culture within facilities or care for LGBTQ+ elders.

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  • Community colleges are providing new opportunities for learning on the job in logging and oystering

    Shasta College partners with timber companies to help train apprentices for the industry, providing pre-apprenticeship coursework and helping to facilitate state and federal funding that offsets the cost of on-the-job training. So far, about 50 people have completed the pre-apprenticeship program, while 15 have completed the full apprenticeship.

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  • In Rural Alaska, A Powerful Documentary Flips the Script for Child Care Funding

    Frustrated by the lack of childcare funding and access, one woman created a documentary showcasing the issue. It received widespread attention throughout the state, leading to a state representative sponsoring a $7 million bill to increase childcare funding and provider wages and to expand access to subsidies for middle-income families. It also led the governor to create the Alaska Child Care Task Force to oversee state licensing regulations to make the process of becoming a licensed childcare provider and opening a facility more accessible.

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  • How Nigeria's Biggest Party Made HIV Testing Cool

    The Wise Up Campaign works to increase HIV testing rates and reduce transmission of the disease through educational efforts and connecting with young people, a particularly high-risk group, to spread awareness and connect them with necessary resources. Since forming, the campaign has reached over 500,000 young people with HIV counseling and testing, as well as condom distribution, and has even trained several young volunteers to continue spreading the message to their peers.

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  • The Volunteer Data Hoarders Resisting Trump's Purge

    After President Donald Trump’s administration began removing key research and datasets from government websites, archivists, librarians, and organizations banded together to form the Data Rescue Project, which is coordinating efforts to preserve vital information. The movement has recruited volunteers from a subreddit forum called r/DataHoarder that’s frequented by hobbyists with IT knowledge, and so far the project has cataloged more than 400 publicly available backups of government data compiled by volunteers.

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  • Saving U.S. Climate and Environmental Data Before It Goes Away

    The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, an international group of watchdog scientists, and a group of volunteers track and back up government data sets that have been altered or removed, including key tools that researchers and policymakers use to track which communities are most at risk from climate change and toxic hazards.

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  • Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Cut Methane Emissions and Diversify Maine's Coastal Economy, but Can It Scale?

    Seaweed is emerging as a solution to Maine's shifting climate and economy, providing alternative industries for ocean farmers and also supporting land farmers' climate initiatives. While still in piloting stages, studies have shown up to 50 percent reductions in methane on New England cow farms that incorporate seaweed into feed.

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