Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • O Combate às Fake News nas Aldeias

    Na Amazônia Brasileira, indígenas fazem podcasts e oficinas para ensinar comunidades a identificar desinformações. Para disseminar o conteúdo, são usadas as redes sociais e o WhatsApp.

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  • How Cleft Surgery Unites Families, Saves Lives

    Smile Train is a non-government organization that helps families that are struggling financially to afford cleft lip and palate surgeries for their children in need. Since 2007, Smile Train has successfully paid for 31,000 successful surgeries and has a presence in 45 hospitals across the country.

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  • Students-led Forum Bridging Lack Of Access To Career, Scholarship Opportunities In Sokoto Varsity

    Two students created the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Scholars’ Forum and hold virtual meetings to give high-achieving students information on scholarships and academic opportunities that are often overlooked or unknown.

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  • After Roe, abortion's underground railroad gains steam

    Women Help Women is one of several organizations around the world that have formed to provide women with pills needed to complete an at-home medical abortion. An international group of doctors review online medical history questionnaires and provide women with prescriptions for the procedure. The groups are part of a network seeking to increase women's access to abortion as more and more countries pass laws limiting women's abortion access.

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  • Care, a responsibility shared by the public and private sectors

    The Win Win Win Program works to provide quality early childhood development and care services through a co-payment system where both the companies and parents buy in to help manage costs and increase access to childcare for children 4-years-old and under.

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  • How parts of northwestern Ontario bucked the provincial trend of a lower municipal voter turnout

    Though voter turnout for municipal elections dropped about 4 percent across Ontario in 2022, a handful of communities in the northwestern part of the province bucked that trend by switching to online voting or telephone voting and a focus on outreach with younger residents. In the town of Atikokan, about 56 percent of eligible voters cast ballots, compared to 34 percent throughout the province as a whole.

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  • Blutig, saftig, leidfrei: Diese Technologie befreit das Fleisch vom schlechten Gewissen

    "Kultiviertes" Fleisch, das im Labor aus Stammzellen gezüchtet wird, verursacht kaum Tierleid und schadet der Umwelt weit weniger als die bisherige Fleischproduktion. Allerdings muss die Technologie bis zur Marktreife noch einige Hürden überwinden.

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  • Let's Talk About Mental Health: Community solutions to moving beyond the scarcity trap

    Big Sky Community Food Bank and Food Resource Center provides easy access to food and resources to people in need. People are encouraged to use the resources as a strategy to make their household budget go further and provide a sense of security. This helps prevent feelings of constant stress and insecurity around basic needs, which can lead to a scarcity mindset and be detrimental to mental health.

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  • Since Keenan House North opened two years ago, it has helped more than 100 people who suffer from mental illness and addiction get help

    The Keenan House North is a co-ed recovery home in North Adams, Massachusetts, that offers a dual recovery program for people experiencing both substance use disorder and mental health issues for free. While in the house residents must be sober and have access to various forms of treatment and support.

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  • "Hello Tractor": Per App bestellen Bäuerïnnen in 13 afrikanischen Ländern einen Pflug

    Die App "Hello Tractor" ermöglicht es Landwirten in Kenia, durch Kredite zu günstigen Bedingungen Traktoren zu erwerben und landwirtschaftliches Gerät untereinander zu verleihen. Ihre Erträge und ihr Einkommen wachsen dadurch deutlich.

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