Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Fifth Vital Sign: Atlanta Doctors Are Talking Climate Change With Patients

    Doctors are leveraging trust built over time with patients to combat misinformation around climate change. The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and its affiliates, including Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action, train healthcare providers on climate communication through fellowships, advocacy work, and educational materials to better equip them for these conversations.

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  • How Nigeria's Biggest Party Made HIV Testing Cool

    The Wise Up Campaign works to increase HIV testing rates and reduce transmission of the disease through educational efforts and connecting with young people, a particularly high-risk group, to spread awareness and connect them with necessary resources. Since forming, the campaign has reached over 500,000 young people with HIV counseling and testing, as well as condom distribution, and has even trained several young volunteers to continue spreading the message to their peers.

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  • Successful rural county health program could go statewide—if politics don't get in the way

    The Healthy Opportunities pilot program uses Medicaid dollars to address non-medical needs like food access, transportation and housing. Since launching in 2022, the program has assisted nearly 30,000 people in 33 of the state’s 100 counties. Research shows the state is spending about $85 less in medical costs per month for each participant, and lawmakers are currently weighing whether to expand the program.

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  • Indian Women Dry Fish With the Power of the Sun, in the Palms of Their Hands

    Solar-powered dryers are enabling women in India to produce and sell dried fish at markets in a manner that is healthier for them and the environment. It's also proving economically profitable.

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  • Direct primary care cuts out insurance companies. Could it gain traction under Trump?

    Direct primary care clinics offer more affordable healthcare and direct access to doctors without added costs or long wait times. Though direct primary care isn’t a replacement for traditional insurance, it makes healthcare — including doctor visits, medications and even X-ray imaging — more accessible and affordable, particularly for those who can’t afford or qualify for traditional coverage.

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  • Infectious Diseases Prevention: The Transformative Power of a Community-led Initiative in Lagos

    DRASA Health Trust trains community members to be health champions, teaching them skills to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases. Between March and April 2024, the group trained 2,089 people. As a result of their education initiatives, DRASA Health Trust saw a 43.2% increase in residents’ understanding of infectious diseases, as well as the implementation of prevention strategies and better hygiene protocols for both businesses and individuals.

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  • A Free-Transit Prescription for Healthier Communities

    Kansas City is the largest U.S. city to adopt a zero-fare policy since its public bus system stopped charging riders in 2020. This policy change gives riders more financial flexibility and improves social and physical health outcomes as residents are walking more to get to bus stops and are also more connected to the community through increased access to transportation.

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  • How 'Superblocks' Can Create People-Centered Cities

    Superblocks are areas in congested cities where traffic has been rerouted to prioritize people. Outfitted with green spaces and communal areas to connect, superblocks help reduce air and noise pollution. Residents living in the area report a higher quality of life and increased social interaction with their neighbors. The idea of superblocks has traveled around the world to cities like Vienna, Berlin, Buenos Aires, and Los Angeles.

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  • Frontline health clinics adapt to climate challenges with assistance from a free resource

    The Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit was developed to help healthcare providers prepare for and respond to climate-related emergencies. The toolkit offers guidance on patient communication, disaster preparedness and environmental health risks. The toolkit was created in collaboration with Americares and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, with co-development from free clinics and community health centers serving low-income and uninsured patients.

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  • The Welcoming Climate Shelters of Barcelona

    The Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona is a key part of the city’s growing climate shelter network, which has expanded from 70 locations in 2020 to 368 last summer. The climate centers are integrated into the city’s public infrastructure — libraries, parks, museums, etc. — and have expanded to the point where 98% of the population is within a 10-minute walk from a shelter.

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