Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Nigeria's Biggest Party Made HIV Testing Cool

    The Wise Up Campaign works to increase HIV testing rates and reduce transmission of the disease through educational efforts and connecting with young people, a particularly high-risk group, to spread awareness and connect them with necessary resources. Since forming, the campaign has reached over 500,000 young people with HIV counseling and testing, as well as condom distribution, and has even trained several young volunteers to continue spreading the message to their peers.

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  • Feeding Hope: An MSF-Backed Nutrition Project is Giving Malnourished Children a Fighting Chance in Katsina

    Médecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) launched a nutrition project in collaboration with the Katsina State Ministry of Health to provide healthcare and support to children suffering from malnutrition. Currently, the organization has four centers throughout the state. Year over year, the centers are seeing an increase in the number of patients, having cared for about 20,000 patients from January 2024 to October 2024 alone.

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  • Intergenerational care benefits children and seniors. Why is it still so rare?

    At intergenerational care facilities, early learning programs co-locate with senior homes, giving students and care residents plenty of opportunities to interact. Research shows this type of intergenerational program can have physical and cognitive benefits for both the adults and the children involved in them.

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  • The Low Impact Gym Slowing the Progression of Parkinson's Disease in Nigeria

    The Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation (ADPF) offers personalized care plans and a low-impact gym for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Research shows low-impact exercises and the Rock Steady Boxing practice help improve balance and mobility, helping slow the disease’s progression. ADPF data shows that 90% of participants who adhere to their care plan and practice the exercises see a slower progression of Parkinson’s.

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  • Support for paediatric HIV treatment in Taraba grows, yet impact remains limited

    The Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric AIDS Foundation, in partnership with the state government, is working to get adolescents living with HIV to adhere to antiretroviral therapy by providing free treatment and incentivizing regular medication use by fostering a sense of community among the youth. The group currently operates in 16 African countries and has successfully suppressed the viral load of over 80 youths.

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  • One community at a time; the ReachOut response to malnutrition in Lagos

    Operated by The Neo Child Initiative, the ReachOut Project provides nutrional counseling and screening to parents and their children in underserved communities, free of charge. Since 2015, the ReachOut Project has supported 20,000 people across 10 communities in the state.

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  • How Kano Childhood Cancer Foundation is Supporting Cancer Survivors: tackling Childhood Cancer in Kano

    The Kano Childhood Cancer Foundation helps provide care, counseling and financial support to families with children suffering from cancer. The Foundation helps pay for treatment like chemotherapy and other medications and currently has 24 patients in their care.

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  • Mobile mammogram unit increases access to life-saving screenings

    OhioHealth’s Mobile Mammography Units provide easy access to mammograms for people who are traditionally underserved by the healthcare system and facing transportation and financial obstacles. In its first year, the unit performed 900 screenings, and the mobile unit touts a first-time screening rate that is three times higher than brick-and-mortar mammography clinics.

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  • Screening program for rural Colorado students aims to catch dyslexia early

    EarlyBird, a dyslexia screening program run by the South Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services, screened about 200 children for signs of dyslexia last year to connect them with extra help in the classroom. The program is already proving to be effective in the school districts participating in it and it’s set to expand to more schools during the 2024-2025-school year.

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  • My robot and I: Japanese stories of technology and old age

    Seniors in nursing homes and hospitals in Japan are often accompanied by a variety of robots designed to help prevent loneliness, cognitive decline, and the loss of mobility. A social robot might encourage them to dance while robot dogs and seals take the place of a pet without the responsibilities.

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