Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • NC addiction treatment programs partner to reduce maternal deaths from substance use

    Six programs throughout the state, including the SUN Project and Project CARA, are working to provide support to pregnant mothers navigating a substance use disorder. With support from the North Carolina Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Network, the programs share best practices for treating perinatal substance use and expand access to treatment. Project CARA alone serves more than 200 patients each year.

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  • Maternal Deaths Keep Increasing in Nigeria. Healthcare Services Still Remain Underfunded.

    Raise Foundation works to increase access to maternal healthcare by working with health centers that have ambulances donated for quick, easy use. The initiative has helped 230 expectant mothers since it started providing care to rural communities in 2017.

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  • A Community Health Model Is Helping Latinx Immigrants Understand Their Reproductive Rights

    Promotora de salud, or community health workers with the Abortion Justice Committee of New Jersey, help Latinx immigrants navigate and access reproductive healthcare. In a community survey, 42% of respondents said they struggled to access and understand reproductive health services, so the promotoras model helps share information with those who struggle to access it, advocates for expanding language access, and combats misinformation.

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  • Louisville groups offer therapy in unexpected places to make it more accessible to youth of color

    Several Louisville organizations are addressing mental health care accessibility for youth of color by offering therapy in community spaces like barbershops, libraries, and other familiar environments. This approach aims to reduce stigma and has also made mental health care more accessible by eliminating barriers such as cost and location. Many youths who had participated in the therapy programs reported feeling more open to discussing their mental health.

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  • Virginia's pregnant women must travel farther as the maternity care crisis grows. Doulas are stepping in to fill gaps.

    Birth in Color's doulas are filling the maternity care gap as rural labor and delivery rooms close, disproportionately impacting people of color. Doulas provide physical, emotional and informational support before, during and after childbirth, and advocate on the mother’s behalf. Doula care leads to improved birth outcomes and lower rates of C-sections, and in April 2022 doula services were added under the state’s Medicaid program.

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  • Healing a Dark Past: The Long Road to Reopening Hospitals in the Rural South

    As rural hospitals in predominantly Black neighborhoods close, groups and community members are joining forces to ensure residents can still access care by reopening a full-service hospital. Rural Emergency Hospital models remove in-patient beds but keep emergency departments active to receive federal support. About 29 rural hospitals have converted to rural emergency hospitals to ensure residents can still access care.

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  • Substance abuse treatment program offers care and counters stigma

    Project CARA (Care that Advocates Respect/Resilience/Recovery for All) supports pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorders, providing healthcare, addiction resources and obstetrics care in one spot. The program's hub-and-spokes model makes care more accessible, especially for those in remote areas. Data from the Project also indicates that participants of the program are more likely to attend prenatal and postpartum appointments than those outside of the program.

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  • Alaska's Tribal Health Organizations Are Essential, and Powerful

    Tribal health organizations deliver culturally competent healthcare, tailoring care to meet specific needs and overcome obstacles to access. These medical centers integrate traditional practices with modern medicine, and this approach to care has led to improved health outcomes for both Native and non-Native patients.

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  • Maternity Care in Rural Areas Is in Crisis. Can More Doulas Help?

    Morehouse School of Medicine is training local women to become doulas through its Perinatal Patient Navigators program. A dozen participants — all Black women — recently graduated from the program after five months of training, ready to provide care and support to other women of color in rural communities. Studies show the presence of a doula improves labor and delivery outcomes, reduces stress and results in fewer expensive childbirth interventions, like C-sections.

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  • Mobile mammogram unit increases access to life-saving screenings

    OhioHealth’s Mobile Mammography Units provide easy access to mammograms for people who are traditionally underserved by the healthcare system and facing transportation and financial obstacles. In its first year, the unit performed 900 screenings, and the mobile unit touts a first-time screening rate that is three times higher than brick-and-mortar mammography clinics.

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