Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'Shared equity' model for U.S. housing boosts home ownership for poorer families

    A community land trust in North Carolina uses a "shared equity" model to help minority and low income people obtain access to affordable housing. The trust owns the land underneath the house, therefore holding onto the majority of the wealth of the property and allowing homes to be sold below market value.

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  • Medical Students Push For More LGBT Health Training To Address Disparities

    When a medical student identified a lack of education and materials provided to her class that focused on LGBT information and resources, she and her classmates decided to confront the school administration about the curriculum. The conversation spurred action that resulted in increased trainings and teachings that has in turn led to a better likelihood of proper diagnosis for this community.

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  • How the U.K. is fighting the loneliness epidemic

    Lonliness is a huge health risk in senior citizens. To address this, the U.K. is killing two birds with one stone by assigning mail carriers a couple of seniors to check in on once a week. Mail carriers already know the area well and are easily recognizable, so regular conversations with residents were a logical next step. The carriers conduct surveys every week in order to gain quantitative data to inform their practices, and the program continues to be a success with the senior citizens served.

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  • Benchmarking Racial Inequity in St. Louis

    The collection and analysis of data is a crucial first step in revealing and addressing areas of racial inequality in cities. Using the methodology of a 2015 New York City program designed to study metrics of inequality, the St. Louis Equity Indicators Project has already filled large gaps in data by identifying 72 metrics of inequality in the heavily racially-divided city. Following the recommendations of the Ferguson Commission, the St. Louis’ Equity Indicators provide a baseline by which the city can track efforts to improve racial disparities across issues of health, education, and legal justice.

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  • Sharps Kits, Syringes and Solidarity

    Many health care facilities that supply needles don't have the proper training or experience to work with trans-identified people that are undergoing hormone therapy. To help address this gap in care, an education and advocacy nonprofit in Eugene, Oregon acts as a hub for the community's clean needle exchange needs.

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  • Part of an age-friendly city: advocacy training for elders - The Bay State Banner

    The Boston Senior Civic Academy teaches older adults how to stay informed about and involved in local politics, covering issues from financial insecurity to dementia-friendly city planning. The program, which serves elders across the city and is part of a world-wide push to create elder-friendly cities, invites older adults to take an active role in politics and advocacy, and gives them the tools to do so.

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  • Australia tried 3 fixes to take bias out of hiring — here's what worked

    The government of Victoria, Australia partnered with businesses across the state to workshop ways cultural, gender, and other biases could be eliminated in workforce interview processes. By creating anonymous CVs, using non-gendered language, and training employees on unconscious biases, this "Recruit Smarter" plan saw increased employment consideration for women, minorities, and people with disabilities.

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  • How One County Became a Lab for California's Prison Reform

    After San Joaquin County adopted a slew of criminal justice reforms, crime dropped by 20 percent, the lowest number in a decade. One of the things that was implemented were speciality courts aimed at decreasing arrest time and helping “former prisoners find jobs, housing and treatment for mental health and addiction problems.” Other measures include ending cash bail and racial bias training. “Crime has always been issue No. 1, but the narrative in this city is one about being a second chance city.”

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  • Student led initiative and city district can offer advice as suburban schools diversify

    Student-led initiatives in Rochester City School District help students of color share their experiences with racism and foster communication between students, faculty, and administration - within and outside the classroom. While there is still evidence of racial bias and stereotypes, the district has made strides toward solving these problems.

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  • What cities can learn from West Sacramento's age-friendly journey

    As part of the city of West Sacramento's process to be more friendly to their aging population, they partnered with the organization AARP to implement their age-friendly framework and received funding to fund their obligatory three-year plan. This funded the facilitation of many surveys of anyone over 45 in the city, which led to the realization that seniors don't want to be defined by their deficits. This reportedly changed the mindsets of public policy makers, paving the way for future programs to be engaging and uplifting for all ages.

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