Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can Peer Support Programs Help Those Living With HIV Thrive?

    An organization aimed at providing peer support for gay black men living with HIV that started in Atlanta, Georgia has now gained an international following. Because the program is not federally funded, data can be difficult to gather; however, "self-reported data from its members including medication type and adherence, CD4 cell count, and demographic information" shows a significant increase in members adhering to their medical regimen.

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  • A new 'Sesame Street' show in Arabic aims to help refugee children

    Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee created a special show for displaced Syrian children conducted entirely in Arabic. The show teaches children lessons like counting and the alphabet, but it also teaches them emotional coping skills, which is very important for refugee children. The show is accompanied by trained early childhood development facilitators who visit homes and interact with the children playing games or reading books.

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  • Ruff justice: Meet the dogs helping put child rapists behind bars

    A practice in Johannesburg is making the courtroom and trial process less scary for sexually abused children by letting them play the role of court officials alongside therapy dogs in a pretend court. The Teddy Bear Foundation, responsible for this role play activity, wants children to be less scared but also prepared for their day in court when it comes.

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  • People are terrible judges of talent. Can algorithms do better?

    Using machine learning to test potential job candidates for particular traits, as opposed to having humans screen their resumes, can help to reduce bias in recruiting. Resumes tend to focus on the past and reflect socioeconomic status, rather than reflect a candidate’s abilities and potential. Pymetrics uses AI, gamifying the recruitment process to measure attributes like attention, risk-taking, and memory. Pymetric’s approach has increased diversity in recruitment among its client companies.

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  • Older Coloradans are working longer and demanding an updated set of tech skills

    Older populations in Colorado want more out of the available technology classes, which often teach too much of the basics and not enough to keep them from falling behind in the age of social media, Etsy, and online video conferencing. Now, older individuals in Colorado have access to a free membership program through the Older Adults Technology Services, which is working to restructure technology classes state-wide to go beyond simple web navigation.

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  • Pennsylvania will no longer hold death-row prisoners in endless solitary confinement

    Following an ACLU-led civil-rights lawsuit, the Pennsylvania Department of Correction has implemented huge changes to the treatment of death row inmates. In prisons across the state, individuals who have been sentenced to death no longer have to undergo strip searches, are allowed to have contact visitations with family and friends, can apply for prison employment, and socialize with others in their unit.

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  • Creative Freedom

    New York-based nonprofit, Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA), runs theater programs for individuals experiencing incarceration as a way of improving mental health and reducing recidivism. While the United States’ criminal justice system has been focused on punitive measures, there’s been a trend toward rehabilitation across the country in recent years. Participants in RTA have shown a rate of recidivism of just 5% – compared to a 60% national average – but funding and sustainability remain a consistent hurdle.

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  • Chicago Police Hope To Build Trust With Experiment In Community Policing

    Chicago police have rebuilt some of the trust they lost in one part of the city, where the police department has used private funding to launch a community-policing program. In the department's 25th district, residents get to know their neighborhood officers and can call them directly, something they did 20,000 times in just the first nine months of the pilot project. "Community ambassadors" serve as liaisons between officers and neighbors who are leery of connecting with the police whose department's brutality and misconduct strained relations over many years. The city is working to expand the program.

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  • Housing initiative for LGBTQ young people strives to create a ‘family bond'

    For LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness and/or with a foster placement history, barriers to education, work, health, and general safety are a common experience. The Quads on Lancaster supportive housing program in Philadelphia offers a small amount of transition housing for LGBTQ youth who have aged out of the system, establishing personal connections and providing services to help participants prepare for adulthood.

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  • This Wyoming Greenhouse is a Place for Employees with Disabilities to Grow

    A company called Vertical Harvest in Jackson, Wyoming employs people with developmental and physical disabilities to work in their 3-story greenhouse to address the exclusion of people with disabilities in the labor pool. Vertical Harvest, which offers positions growing and handling local produce, acts as both a safe space and source of income for employees, following a trend to open employment opportunities to often overlooked populations.

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