Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A New Kind of Cooperative in Oakland Fights Against Speculative Development Audio icon

    Real estate cooperatives are able to raise capital from their members, ensuring re-investment in the communitie they serve. In Oakland, California, the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (EB PREC) finances real estate acquisitions through California’s cooperative ownership model. EB PREC also works with partners from the Sustainable Economies Law Center and the People of Color Housing Network, which provide additional resources and expertise.

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  • This Program Teaches Arts Organizations How to Scale Wisely

    Coaching in strategic partnership allows arts nonprofits to build their capacity. Based in Minneapolis, Artspace offers its capacity-building workshop program, Immersion, to nonprofits in several cities, in including Detroit and Memphis. The workshops connect local art organizations to specialists in real estate and financing, allowing them to build partnerships or find new space in which to operate.

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  • Some building works threaten Turkish antiquities. Others save them

    After discovering historic artifacts on land preparing to become a hotel in Antakya, Turkey, owners chose to develop a combined hotel and history museum, a rare act of collaboration between preservationists and developers. The developers, who incorporated ancient relics like a bathhouse and the world's largest mosaic floor, work consciously to preserve and memorialize the land they are building on to ensure culture significance is not lost among new developments.

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  • The Timber Architecture Revolution Has Arrived in Norway. (Almost.)

    Norway is leading the world in low-carbon structural wood development; now, the country is working to bring factories into the country to turn the trees into usable lumber within the nation's borders. The city of Brumunddal has built the world's tallest structurally wooden building using sustainable practices, proving the effects on carbon usage and structural integrity that building with wood can offer the forest-dense country.

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  • CA Business Owners Spread Wealth By Selling Their Companies To Their Workers

    As of 2017, more than 130 California-based construction companies have created Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) as a way to ensure the future viability of a small business and ensure stability and buy-in for their employees. While ESOPs are rare, support for the strategy is growing - and the model has both progressive and conservative champions who see it as a way to make business run better.

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  • Fill, Build and Flood: Dangerous Development in Flood-Prone Areas

    To combat excessive flooding in low-plain areas, cities like Charlotte are passing critical legislation that regulates fill-and-build development, a type of construction that leads to more intense flooding in vulnerable neighborhoods. Charlotte bases flood control plans off future conditions rather than current or past flooding areas, and the city charges a fee for homeowners that, in turn, provides dedicated funding for stormwater management

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  • Erie Hit ‘Rock Bottom.' The Former Factory Hub Thinks It Has a Way Out.

    Erie, Pennsylvania, uses creative financial incentives for companies and businesses that invest capital gains in low-income areas of the city in order to pull itself out of economic hardship caused by the decrease in industrial jobs. The city looked to Cincinnati as an example of a city that turned around a failing neighborhood through collective action, sustainable funding practices and investment in nonprofit organizations that support development efforts.

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  • Less Trash, More Schools — One Plastic Brick at a Time

    The recycling economy is helping Ivory Coast overcome a building shortage and create jobs. The Fighting Women, a community organization in Abidjan, collect plastic waste to resell to manufacturers. In partnership with UNICEF, the Columbian company, Conceptos Plásticos purchases plastic waste from the Women and recycles it into bricks, which are used to construct classrooms.

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  • Banning foreign home buyers - the New Zealand experiment

    Housing affordability is a crisis that many countries face. New Zealand addressed the issue in a controversial way: by outright banning foreign ownership. Since it has come into effect, real estate pricing has gone down, and more properties are available for New Zealand residents. Critics argue that the ban coincided with world events like the Chinese government limiting how much money could leave the country into foreign events. They caution against attributing the lower prices to the ban itself and that it is still too early to see its true impact.

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  • What are nature-based solutions?

    Nature-based solutions to climate change involve strategic use of greenery to staunch the negative impacts of climate change broadly, but these solutions also have been proven to increase jobs and contribute to the overall economy. For instance, in Portland, the Green Streets project used trees rather than concrete to absorb excess runoff, helping the city in multiple ways in the process.

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