Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Network of Regenerative Farmers Is Rethinking Chicken

    Minnesota-based Tree-Range Farms is teaching farmers to practice regenerative poultry farming. The chickens are raised in two fenced-in plots of land alongside trees and perennial plants, switching locations when the plants in one plot are grazed down. The practice improves soil health and, therefore, water and carbon sequestration.

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  • The sports club spreading positivity in a war-torn Yemen

    Ahsan Fareek, or “Best Team,” is a daily, free exercise session for local men to move their bodies, alleviate stress, address mental health concerns and socialize with others. Best Team started with just two members but eventually grew to more than 1,500 people of all ages and walks of life who meet on a daily basis across the group’s 17 branches.

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  • Jovem timorense transforma água do mar em potável e ajuda famílias em Liquiçá

    Cooperativa mantém projeto para tirar sal da água do mar e oferecer para a população. A produção vendida tem certificado do Ministério da Saúde do Timor Leste e minimiza o problema da falta de água potável.

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  • Episcopal mobile ministry distributes necessities to people displaced by Maui wildfires

    A Cup of Cold Water is a volunteer collaboration between four local Episcopal churches that has been providing assistance to residents who lost their homes in the recent wildfires through the group’s community outreach program. Since a day after the wildfires started on August 8, volunteers have driven a van around the island to distribute supplies like toiletries, food, clothing, bottled water and other necessities.

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  • In Alaska, a School of the Future 50 Years in the Making

    Mat-Su Central is a hybrid homeschool that provides a flexible, personalized learning environment for both students and their families. Each student receives an individual learning plan that takes the student’s strengths and weaknesses into account, while still ensuring they’re meeting course requirements for graduation. As a result of the pandemic and increased rates of bullying and anxiety among students, enrollment in this hybrid homeschool option has quadrupled over the past 20 years.

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  • This Psychologist Wants To Vaccinate You Against Fake News

    To “inoculate” internet users against fake news, a collaboration between Google and YouTube played ads before videos explaining misinformation concepts such as scapegoating and false dichotomies. A study of 20,000 people who interacted with the ads found that those who viewed them were better able to spot manipulation tactics online.

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  • Para avanzar con la restauración ecológica, Eco House prioriza el vínculo entre las personas y la naturaleza

    Eco House trabaja en distintos proyectos de restauración ecológica en diferentes puntos de Argentina que apuntan a la conservación, plantación y concientización sobre el cuidado del ambiente. En su trabajo, son clave los voluntarios y las alianzas con organizaciones locales, empresas y Gobiernos.

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  • The Dental-Mental Connection: A Clinic in Oakland's Chinatown Brings Mental Health Care to Dental Patients

    Dental offices like Asian Health Services are starting to incorporate mental health care in their dental services. By observing changes in oral health, building trust with patients to talk about their mental health and having them fill out questionnaires about how they’ve been feeling, dentists are able to identify patients that may be struggling and then help connect them with therapy and treatment. Asian Health Services screens 300 to 400 patients per year, about 7% of which are then referred to counseling.

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  • CHIPS: Connecting Communities to Primary Health Care Facilities in Nasarawa State

    The Community Health Influencer, Promoter and Services (CHIPS) program aims to reduce maternal and child mortality by increasing access to primary healthcare services. CHIPS workers conduct weekly home visits where they provide helpful information on healthcare services, preventive medicine and connections to nearby health facilities. CHIPS launched in 2018 and in 2019, data showed that maternal deaths had decreased from 120 to 90.

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  • At this East Oakland salon, violence prevention starts with self-care

    The Self-i.s.h. Society is a hair salon and community space where people — particularly women of color — gather to find connection while on their personal healing journeys. The Self-i.s.h. Society hosts pop-up events and partners with local organizations with a holistic care angle, all while pushing participants to “get selfish” and start focusing on themselves.

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