Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cooperative craft breweries: a new approach to revitalizing small towns

    The Ronan Cooperative Brewery arose out of ideas to jumpstart a deserted main street. Community members can buy a share of stock, which gets them one vote per person. This setup allows a sense of local ownership as well as more money being invested into the business and the community. Though the brewery still has work to do, it has 125 members and is modeling its planning off the success of another cooperative brewery in New Mexico.

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  • How to turn a struggling small town around

    Boulder, Montana struggled upon learning that a major local employer, the Montana Developmental Center, was going to close. However, the news pushed the town toward a path of redevelopment. The Boulder Transition Advisory Committee stepped up by launching the “Make Boulder’s Future Bright” campaign, which involved citizens in creating goals and strategies to achieve them. Since earning a major grant, the town has been working to revitalize the downtown area. This story is part 1 of a series about housing for rural Montanans.

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  • After Devastating Cyclone, Fiji Farmers Plant For A Changed Climate

    In the wake of a massive 2016 cyclone, Fijian farmers are rethinking how to become more resilient to climate disasters. Through diversifying crops, seed saving, and community banking, several organizations are helping farmers make that shift.

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  • A new way emerges to cover college tuition. But is it a better way?

    Several private colleges are considering an alternative to traditional student grants and loans - Income Share Agreements (ISAs) - in which colleges or outside capital sources provide loans to students with the promise that students will pay a percentage of their income with no interest for a set period of time after graduation. Critics argue that the arrangement will simply add to existing student debt and favor students in higher-paying math and science majors, programs in which minorities lack proportionate representation. Can colleges adjust the financing model to take into account these concerns?

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  • Nuxalk people roll up their sleeves to construct a solution

    In the the Nuxalk Nation, the deep seated effects of colonialism were felt, literally. The Nation had a housing crisis, that was exacerbated by outside contractors and architects who built subar housing. In 2015, community leaders created an apprenticeship program that matched “Nuxalk apprentices with advanced skilled workers, members of the Nuxalk Nation are building their own homes with their own resources, just as their ancestors once did.”

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  • The Network Keeping Dallas' Most Vulnerable Citizens Afloat

    In Dallas, where the poverty rate was only lower than in Houston and Philadelphia in 2017, nonprofits and charities are using a comprehensive approach to provide immediate relief. Local organizations like Sharing Life Community Outreach provide food pantries, free clothing, personal services, and also partner with local hospitals to share valuable information.

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  • Meet the Woman Who's Boosting Arizona's Mom-and-Pop Business Culture

    Kimber Lanning, is the founder of Local First Arizona, a coalition of local businesses with 3,200 members, making it the largest in the country. Local First helps local businesses obtain the resources they need to compete with large corporations. They also try to educate people and dispel myths they have about buying local

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  • Build, flood, rebuild: flood insurance's expensive cycle

    What was originally conceived of to help protect homes from flooding has instead trapped homeowners in an endless cycle of filing claims and rebuilding their homes. The National Flood Insurance Program was supposed to discourage development in flooding zones and ease the costs after disasters. With lobbying money and power from developers, realtors associations, and others with vested interests, any opportunity to redesign the system through Congress have haven’t gone far.

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  • When Communities Say No One Should Stay in Jail Just Because They're Poor

    Across the United States, organizations like Southerners on New ground and the Bronx Freedom Fund are posting bail for individuals facing low-level offenses who cannot afford it on their own. Such initiatives have gained in popularity because of the Black Mamas Bail-Out, a coordinated effort during May of each year. In posting their bail, these organizations are working to equitably help people of color, who are disproportionately affected by the cash bail system.

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  • In Oregon, You Can Now Save for Retirement. Unless You Object.

    More than half of Americans struggle - especially in recent years with considerable economic and political changes to systems like Social Security - to save for retirement, and it costs states millions in public assistance programs. Oregon is piloting a new solution where the government helps private companies facilitate a small, automatic deduction from employees paychecks and sets it aside into savings, which is proving especially helpful for small businesses in helping their workers plan for retirement.

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