Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A look at how Ohio's land banks are battling blight

    Ohio has more than 50 land banks, which are best known for reducing blight by demolishing old buildings, but several land banks are trying creative ways to enhance their land on a budget. Successful projects include a program for locals to redevelop old lots, a pop-up art gallery in a condemned house, and urban forests to make communities more welcoming. The collective effect of these projects is to revitalize cities all across the state.

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  • After Centuries of Housing Racism, a Southern City Gets Innovative

    In Jackson, Mississippi, a series of community-led cooperatives are creating opportunities for affordable home ownership. This is part of a trend across the country to create community land trusts. They are financed through donations, other community businesses, or commissions. Though each land trust faces hurdles, they are collectively allowing more access to wealth and ownership in historically low-income neighborhoods.

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  • This Philly housing project helps residents double their income

    By offering flexible rent, a Philadelphia nonprofit allows low-income residents to attain economic success. Financed through an initial endowment, the Women’s Community Revitalization Projected is sustained by support from independent donations and Philadelphia’s low-income housing tax credits. In addition to offering affordable housing and residents’ services to Philadelphia’s low-income women and families, the WCRP also operates a community land trust to help address future development concerns in the city.

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  • The Power of Coaching

    Women’s Way, a new Philadelphia-based program, aims to promote economic equality through women’s financial empowerment initiatives. Based on a successful model in Delaware, the program uses financial coaches to help participants reach personal finance goals. It is also part of a broader initiative to decrease poverty while also changing the narrative about how people talk about the issue.

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  • With Shootings on the Rise, Schools Turn to 'Active Shooter' Insurance

    With the rise in mass shootings around the United States, more municipalities and schools are buying active shooter insurance so they can handle costs that come from mass casualty incidents and not go bankrupt. Some insurance companies also offer risk assessment and their advice often contradicts some of the recent popular suggestions, such as arming teachers. Many insurers say the most effective steps are behavioral interventions with potentially violent students.

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  • Environmental impact bonds can help cities invest in green infrastructure

    Environmental impact bonds (EIBs) are a relatively new form of financing that combine private investment with government funding in a “pay for success” model. They are different than municipal bonds in that they are intended as a more experimental approach: for instance, Washington, D.C. started using EIBs to test green infrastructure and evaluate the results. Though all current EIBs are too early-stage to show formal evaluations, they are helping promote sustainability initiatives in D.C., Baltimore, and Atlanta.

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  • Why Environmental Impact Bonds Are Catching On

    Environmental impact bonds allow cities, sometimes even community members, to share the risk and rewards with investors that are backing innovative possible solutions to big problems. This plan allows for large-scale green infrastructure to be piloted in areas across the U.S. where it is most needed.

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  • Tiny Houses Alone Can't Solve the Housing Crisis. But Here's What Can

    Buying a house with 8 other people, tiny houses, forming a homeowners association to buy land, and community land trust’s are all different options people are taking to find alternate forms of housing that are affordable. “They’ve defined a new American Dream. They hope others will follow their model, if not by making the same choice, then by being willing to look beyond traditional boundaries.”

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  • Basic Income Is Already Transforming Life and Work in a Postindustrial Canadian City

    A pilot program in Hamilton, Ontario tests the viability of a universal basic income. While bureaucratic red tape and critics from both political sides limit the enrollment in the program, citizens partaking in the pilot note that support in the form of cash keep them healthy and able to avoid living in poverty.

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  • ‘Darling danggit' maker discovers prize catch abroad

    In the Phillipines, Fishers & Changemakers, Inc. pushes for sustainable fishing and is also making a profit. It works with 145 small-scale fishermen and 70 women who naturally process the fish spanning seven fishing communities. Its sea-to-table business model puts certain limitations or guidelines on its fishermen. For example, they limit fishing to species that can reproduce quickly and sustain their populations. They also train their fishers on the effects of overfishing.

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