Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How farmworkers in Washington state got lawmakers' attention

    Each year, farmworkers in Washington state gather for a people’s tribunal where they share their stories about the injustices they face on the job and advocate for policies to improve working conditions. In addition to supporters, the tribunal is attended by legislative staffers and sometimes elected representatives, and the tribunal’s findings have helped usher in new protections for workers, including guaranteed overtime pay and mandated cooling breaks in extreme heat.

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  • How New York Made Big Diversity Gains in Transportation Contracts

    New York City’s “small purchase” program allows the city’s Department of Transportation to offer government contracts up to a certain spending limit specifically to minority- and women-owned businesses, with the goal of diversifying the city’s pool of contractors and suppliers. In fiscal year 2024, 32 percent of the department’s contract spending went to these businesses, compared to 24 percent in 2023 and 11 percent in 2022.

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  • Pop-Up Voting Centers Bring the Polls Directly to Unhoused Angelenos

    Los Angeles County’s Flex Vote Center Program establishes polling locations at shelters, transitional housing sites, and service centers for people who are unhoused or face other barriers to voting. In 2020, nearly 2,800 people cast their ballots through the Flex program.

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  • The Michigan Jail that Candidates Keep Visiting

    Michigan’s Genessee County jail employs two formerly incarcerated organizers who help people detained there register to vote, cast their ballots, and access resources about pivotal election measures. They also coordinate forums with political candidates for offices ranging from the Michigan Supreme Court to the Flint City Council.

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  • CT child care 'incubator' is building capacity, stability in sector

    New Britain’s Childcare Incubator Project helps home-based child care entrepreneurs launch their businesses through in-depth training, mentorship, and support, including a transitional phase where they start offering care within a shared facility and with the guidance of an on-site coordinator. Four businesses are currently in their transitional phase, and other cities around the state are now considering replicating the program.

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  • Renewables Are Expanding on Indigenous Lands, Co-Ownership Offers a Solution

    Energy developers and Indigenous communities are coming together to share ownership of renewable energy projects to promote equity and inclusion within the projects directly impacting Indigenous land. Co-ownership is on the rise globally and offers benefits like insights from Indigenous knowledge of the land and less risk of the project being canceled or protested in court.

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  • Michigan clerks say pre-processing absentee ballots led to faster results

    After Michigan updated laws surrounding the processing of absentee ballots, local clerks were able to begin opening, verifying, and scanning absentee ballots up to eight days before the state’s August primary, depending on the size of the city or town. In Detroit, election staff were able to report 80% of the absentee ballot results by 10:30 p.m. on election day, as opposed to the next morning, which clerks say helps avoid public concerns about election security.

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  • A youth summer program builds on the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement

    The Freedom Schools program in Seattle, which is modeled after the Civil Rights-era movement of the same name, offers summer programming designed to promote literacy skills and delve deeper into topics that may not be covered comprehensively during the school year, including Black history and civic advocacy.

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  • Propel And Team Up Again To Register SNAP Users To Vote

    Beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get information about registering to vote directly in the same free app that they use to check their SNAP balance and learn more about their benefits. Since the initiative launched ahead of the 2024 election, roughly 15,000 SNAP recipients have registered through the app and about 52,000 people have used it to verify their registration status.

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  • How people in Illinois prisons lead peer-led civics education courses on voting rights

    Since 2020, more than 250 people incarcerated in Illinois prisons have been trained as peer-educators to lead civics education courses that focus on the history of voting, the logistics of voting, and the nuances of government. So far roughly 6,000 people have completed the program, which emphasizes that they are eligible to register to vote immediately after their release.

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