Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Dwindling Fish Populations Causing Conflicts over Fishing Grounds in Homa Bay

    To prevent conflicts between fishermen attempting to fish in the same areas in Rusinga Island, Kenya, a zoning method was created. Each group of fishermen are allowed on certain fishing grounds for 15 days, then they must rotate.

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  • Just coffee in an unjust world

    Café Justo offers an alternative model to traditional fair-trade operations, keeping the entire means of coffee production in the farmers’ hands. They connect the farmer directly to the consumer, eliminating the need for people in the middle who would often gather up the profits. In Salvador Urbina, the Café Justo cooperative has about 80 farming families and sends out more than 1,000 pounds of coffee a month.

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  • Through Melodies and Narratives: A Children's Book is Improving Oral Hygiene in Rural Nigeria

    The Dental Care Foundation uses “edutainment,” a combination of education and entertainment, to enhance oral hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices among children from low and middle-income families. The Foundation’s educational book, “The Girl Who Found Her Smile,” has had about 10,000 copies distributed to rural communities in several countries.

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  • Child care access grant vital for student parent mental health on campus, advocates say

    The CCAMPIS program at Northern Illinois University provides essential support to student parents, including financial assistance for child care, to ease the burden of balancing academics and parenting. CCAMPIS also funds services like housing, transportation, food, and mental health support, fostering a community for student parents.

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  • WA's 'one of a kind' youth homelessness response shows big results

    Washington's Office of Homeless Youth administers funding and creates policy solutions to help youth experiencing homelessness across the state. The agency organizes services like shelter, sober-living housing, and financial assistance tailored to their personal experiences.

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  • Guerrilla urbanists are 'doing it our damn selves'

    Guerrilla urbanism by groups like Chattanooga Urbanist Society develop low-cost, short-term interventions to community problems, like installing bike lanes and painting crosswalks, to fill gaps left by local government. Chattanooga Urbanist Society is focused on making the city more pedestrian-friendly and has installed more than 60 benches in the area. The group also accepts service requests from locals to handle issues the local government hasn’t touched.

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  • Carbon removal: What's the local government's role?

    Local governments in the United States are taking the lead on carbon removal projects to meet net-zero goals, which could help bring down the cost of the technology to make it more widely accessible. A coalition of governments in Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, for example, awarded grants to projects that store carbon dioxide in concrete.

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  • Beavers Are Back in London — and They're Thriving

    A volunteer-run community organization is reintroducing beavers to London as part of a larger rewilding effort. The beavers are alleviating flooding and helping biodiversity thrive in the eight-hectare public park they live in by building dams and canals.

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  • Moroccan Farmers Are Banking Traditional Seeds for a Hotter, Drier Future

    A seed bank was established in Sidi Ifni, a farming community in Morocco, to revive drought-ridden land by enabling the cultivation of traditional, drought-resistant crops. An accompanying training program is helping farmers market these crops to improve their livelihoods.

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  • A Network Of Traditional Leaders Is Helping Kaduna Communities Find Missing Children

    A rural village has instituted several WhatsApp groups to communicate and help find children when they go missing. Each ward has a WhatsApp group and a system in place to care for children until they are reunited with their families, all for free. From January 2024 to May, over 20 missing children have been found and reunited with their families.

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