Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Keeping People Safe

    Durham’s alternative crisis response team of social workers, HEART, responds to 911 calls to mitigate conflict on their own or with the police. The program is designed to keep everyone involved safe while preventing a situation from escalating to violence.

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  • Convincing the Cops

    Durham, North Carolina, instated an alternative crisis response program that dispatches social workers to respond to 911 calls about people in mental health crises. The team’s successes earned the support of an initially skeptical police department.

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  • This Birmingham nonprofit gives youth safe spaces to open up: 'Listen'

    Kings Kids Outreach provides youth with mentorship, tutoring, school supplies, counseling and other summer programs to help improve their academic performance, reduce absenteeism and protect them from growing rates of violence in the city. The group provides services to more than 2,000 children and, from the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, reduced chronic absenteeism from 26.2% to 12.7%

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  • What do violence interrupters in Oakland do? We spoke with one to find out

    Volunteer violence interrupters with Youth Alive — a nonprofit based in Oakland, California — are breaking cycles of violence by providing immediate support to victims and their families after a crime. They receive tips from the community, direct people to resources, mediate conflicts, and even help survivors relocate.

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  • Against all odds: Educating Nigeria's Fulani children amidst adversity

    Founded to address the root causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria, such as lack of access to education, as well as raise awareness of Fulani culture, the Fulani Care and Support Foundation set up makeshift classrooms to provide formal education for children aged 7 to 12. By relying on volunteer teachers, one of the foundation’s schools offers lessons for about 50 students three times a week.

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  • Redefining Masculinity: This Initiative Engages Men In The Fight Against SGBV

    Boys Champion educates young boys on healthy masculinity, combatting cultural norms that lead to sexual and gender-based violence through various outreach initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and events held at local schools. Since 2018, the group has reached more than 10,000 young boys, teaching them ways to promote gender equality in their communities.

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  • Dwindling Fish Populations Causing Conflicts over Fishing Grounds in Homa Bay

    To prevent conflicts between fishermen attempting to fish in the same areas in Rusinga Island, Kenya, a zoning method was created. Each group of fishermen are allowed on certain fishing grounds for 15 days, then they must rotate.

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  • A post-mortem on Oregon's drug decriminalization efforts

    While the decriminalization effort Measure 110 failed to fully meet the mark, the Health Justice Recovery Alliance joined forces with local law enforcement to create a pilot program that helped locals struggling with addiction. Through the program, police can contact an outreach worker who will come to the scene and connect the person struggling with addiction to support services such as detox care and housing, helping lead them toward long-term recovery. So far, the pilot program has helped over 200 people.

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  • Inside Vermont's Radical Approach to Helping the Formerly Incarcerated Succeed

    Vermont built volunteer-led Circle of Support and Accountability groups into its reentry system to help keep those who’ve committed sexual crimes from reoffending. The volunteers meet with people who were formerly incarcerated weekly to offer advice, encouragement, and support while they transition into life outside of prison.

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  • How cognitive behavioral intervention is reducing gun violence in Chicago

    The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago is working to reduce gun violence by reaching out to victims and perpetrators immediately after the violence. The organization negotiates peace and offers cognitive behavioral intervention services to help them develop strategies to keep negative emotions from turning into violent actions.

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