Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The cafeteria as classroom

    The nonprofit World Wildlife Fund is working with elementary schools in the United States to develop programs that teach students about food waste in hopes of encouraging environmental responsibility. They practice ways to reduce their waste at lunch, learn how to compost and sort garbage, and keep track of the amount of waste they’ve reduced.

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  • A grassroots push to save disappearing birds and bees forces change in Germany

    Environmental advocates got 1.75 million signatures to change Bavarian farming laws to protect biodiversity. The Save the Bees Campaign calls for using subsidies to nearly triple the amount of organic farming, creating a network of wildlife corridors, and other actions to protect bird and insect life. Initial results show that, since the law took effect, the share of organic farmland increased and thousands of more acres of forest have been protected. Farmers have also adjusted their view of productivity, including protecting nature as a way to be productive. Similar efforts are happening across Europe.

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  • Welcome to Brazil, Where a Food Revolution Is Changing the Way People Eat

    Since the 1970s, obesity rates in Brazil have been increasing proportionally with the amount of "ultra-processed" foods being consumed. Foregoing healthy, locally produced food has not only resulted in a health epidemic, but has also contributed to a deteriorating economy, strains on the environment, and decaying of culture. Brazil's new food guide and school lunch programme are both founded on the premise of taking a holistic approach to eating, going beyond calorie count to address the environmental, cultural and social elements to food consumption.

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  • Health & Medicine An American surgeon pioneers surgery for kids in Uganda that helps kids in the US

    The typical surgery for hydrocephalus, a brain swelling disease, often leads to infection. Medical constraints in Uganda inspired a neurosurgeon to create a safer and more effective surgery which is now used in Uganda and the U.S.

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  • Mozambique's life-saving surgeons aren't doctors at all

    Mozambique has a shortage of practicing surgeons, so medical technicians are being trained to fill their roles in various situations, especially in rural locations. Although there are challenges to using this tactic, the technicians-turned-surgeons have similar complication rates as those who are practicing surgeons.

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