Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Birmingham nonprofit gives youth safe spaces to open up: 'Listen'

    Kings Kids Outreach provides youth with mentorship, tutoring, school supplies, counseling and other summer programs to help improve their academic performance, reduce absenteeism and protect them from growing rates of violence in the city. The group provides services to more than 2,000 children and, from the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, reduced chronic absenteeism from 26.2% to 12.7%

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  • What one Utah student learned in Hope Squad helped her save a friend's life

    The Hope Squad teaches students how to advocate for themselves and their peers and teaches the question, persuade, refer (QPR) approach to navigating mental health. While the students aren’t trained therapists, they help their peers get the mental health support they need. Over the years the program has referred thousands of students to mental healthcare professionals and decreased the rate of suicide in the school district.

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  • Planning Parenthood for Incarcerated Men

    Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties hosts workshops for incarcerated youth to teach them about sexual wellness, as well as the elements of healthy relationships, consent and the consequences of toxic masculinity. The workshops educate young men so they can have the knowledge they — and their partners — need to have better health outcomes. The workshops began in 2013 and expect to reach about 300 incarcerated teens and young men by the end of June as they continue expanding.

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  • Redefining Masculinity: This Initiative Engages Men In The Fight Against SGBV

    Boys Champion educates young boys on healthy masculinity, combatting cultural norms that lead to sexual and gender-based violence through various outreach initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and events held at local schools. Since 2018, the group has reached more than 10,000 young boys, teaching them ways to promote gender equality in their communities.

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  • Faith-Based Initiative Helping Nigerians Beat Unemployment

    The Youths United for God Global Foundation trains youth in various skills and trades, such as cutting hair, farming and working with computers, to help them become better equipped to secure jobs and income. Training sessions run every three months, and so far over 1,000 youths have been directly impacted by the program, many of which have gone on to forge careers and gain a sense of financial security with their newly-learned skills.

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  • ‘We don't shut the door': How Ontario's wellness hubs are supporting youth mental health

    The Algoma Youth Wellness Hub provides a safe space for youth to access services needed to support their well-being, from mental health care to addiction and recovery care. The Hub provides a recreational space, as well as offices where youth can meet privately with counselors, nurse practitioners and employment and housing specialists. In the four months they’ve been opened, the Hub has received more than 1,400 visits from local youth.

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  • Camp Kin provides queer youth in the Comox Valley with a sense of community, belonging

    Lake Park Society’s Camp Kin is a daytime summer camp for LGBTQIA+ youth ages seven to 12 and allies to participate in summer activities while fostering connections with youth and counselors they can relate to. The Camp is available at a sliding-scale rate — from free to full cost at $300 — and provides a safe space for youth to come out of their shells and feel supported.

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  • Sin Título extends their brand from T-shirt slogans to mental health events 

    Sin Título started as a socially conscious clothing brand but has since evolved into a mutli-faceted brand that hosts mental health discussion panels and other events that aim to amplify marginalized voices and offer healing opportunities for the local Latinx population. One such event is their journaling series, the first of which, “Self Love Journal Club,” attracted about 100 people.

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  • Free mental health apps provide 24/7 help for teens and young children across California

    Two apps, Soluna and BrightLife Kids, provide 24/7, free access to mental health care to young people. The apps include videos, podcasts, self-guided support through interactive content, community forums, chat-based, one-on-one coaching and connections to behavioral health coaches.

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  • Business for Good: HeyKiddo

    The HeyKiddo app and educational curriculum allow parents and teachers to access information and activities that help develop students’ social and emotional health and empathy, teach them how to make responsible decisions and maintain healthy relationships. Over 500 families currently use the app and the portion for teachers, called The Huddle, is used in a handful of schools in California, with plans to expand.

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