Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pennsylvania Legalized Speed Cameras. You Won't Believe What Happened Next.

    A pilot program tested speed cameras on one of Philadelphia’s most dangerous roads to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities and found speeding violations decreased by 90%. The program works by using the cameras to issue warnings to anyone driving 11 miles or more over the speed limit and then issuing fines after a 60-day grace period. Following the program’s success, it’s beginning to gain momentum in other cities, too.

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  • Guerrilla urbanists are 'doing it our damn selves'

    Guerrilla urbanism by groups like Chattanooga Urbanist Society develop low-cost, short-term interventions to community problems, like installing bike lanes and painting crosswalks, to fill gaps left by local government. Chattanooga Urbanist Society is focused on making the city more pedestrian-friendly and has installed more than 60 benches in the area. The group also accepts service requests from locals to handle issues the local government hasn’t touched.

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  • St. Louis Fills a Downtown Void With Soccer

    In an effort to restore a sense of urbanism and community to the city, CityPark repurposed an old manufacturing plant to develop a 32-acre soccer campus, attracting sports teams, fans and other patrons to the city for games, shopping, dining and other festivities. During CityPark’s first season, it brought in an extra $73 million in revenue for the city.

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  • Also Migrating From Latin America: A Wave of Urban Innovation

    The UCSD-Alacrán Community Station is a sanctuary neighborhood for migrants fleeing violence in their countries of origin that allows them to participate in building a community and new life for themselves. The neighborhood houses about 1,800 people on three acres and features a health clinic, food hub and school.

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  • What Happens After a Highway Dies

    After the highway’s removal in 2014, Rochester’s Inner Loop was transformed into Adventure Place, as part of the new Neighborhood of Play, which reimagined the urban landscape, featuring retail spaces, bike lanes and affordable housing options. Since the highway was filled in, more than $200 million in new investment has been generated. Moreover, several other cities, including New Orleans and Baltimore, are beginning to follow in their footsteps.

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  • The 15-Minute City Is Saving My Life

    The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept that encourages planners to develop neighborhoods that are easily accessible within a 15-minute walk, bike or public transit ride. The 15-minute city idea promotes health and wellness by encouraging residents to walk and bike more, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and fosters a sense of community among locals.

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  • Pedalear en la selva de concreto: la Bogotá que se mueve diariamente en bicicleta

    Bogotá ha construido más de 600 kilómetros de ciclorrutas en menos de dos décadas, y se han cuadruplicado los viajes en bicicleta como resultado de la suma entre un papel activo de la ciudadanía y la voluntad política.

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  • Stilt Houses: How an Ancient Architectural Design Could Become a Climate Solution

    When designed well, houses built on elevated platforms supported by stilts can help coastal communities adapt to climate change by reducing flood risk.

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  • The quest to build wildfire-resistant homes

    The shelter-in-place approach is slowly becoming a more common way to survive wildfires that are too violent and fast to evacuate. People using this method congregate in “defensible” buildings created with wildfire resilience in mind that sit in an area clear of flammable vegetation and fuel.

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  • The Florida town that challenged Hurricane Ian and won

    Babcock Ranch, Florida, survived Hurricane Ian without sustaining significant damage, losing power, or undergoing a boil-water alert because the town was built with natural disaster resilience in mind. The stormwater management system mimics the natural world, its electricity comes from its own solar grid, and it has its own water plant.

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