Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pennsylvania Legalized Speed Cameras. You Won't Believe What Happened Next.

    A pilot program tested speed cameras on one of Philadelphia’s most dangerous roads to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities and found speeding violations decreased by 90%. The program works by using the cameras to issue warnings to anyone driving 11 miles or more over the speed limit and then issuing fines after a 60-day grace period. Following the program’s success, it’s beginning to gain momentum in other cities, too.

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  • 8 years into America's e-scooter experiment, what have we learned?

    E-scooters have struggled to find their footing since spreading across the United States as an eco-friendly transportation option. Companies like Lime are looking for ways to increase rider safety and ensure the scooters are as sustainable as possible.

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  • Carmakers give up on software that avoids kangaroos

    Fence posts that flash blue and yellow lights while emitting a high-pitched noise when they detect oncoming car headlights are preventing car crashes involving kangaroos and wallabies in Australia. The practice is known as virtual fencing.

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  • How police are using cameras in school zones to catch speeders

    The police department in Altavista, Virginia, installed traffic cameras in school zones that help catch people going 10 miles per hour or more above the speed limit during the beginning and end of the school day. The $100 tickets issued for speed violations deter the behavior and reduce the occurrence of accidents involving pedestrians.

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  • This Cheap Street Fix Saves Lives. Why Don't More Cities Do It?

    Cities in the United States are implementing daylighting to improve driver visibility and keep pedestrians safer. The practice consists of many different methods, such as building curb extensions or adding new signage, but all of them focus on the corners of crosswalks where most crashes occur.

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  • The New Jersey Mayor With a Plan to End Traffic Deaths

    The Vision Zero campaign aims to eliminate traffic deaths around the world. So far, Hoboken has made several changes to its streets and transportation policies to increase safety, such as repaving crosswalks to increase visibility, building curb extensions and adding bike lanes to roads. With these new safety measures in place, the city hasn’t reported a single traffic death since January 2017 and traffic-related injuries have dropped 41%.

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  • Could a historic Sacramento corridor hold the key to solving the region's housing crisis?

    After decades of planning and development, Sacramento’s R Street corridor went from an area full of abandoned warehouses to a flourishing, walkable neighborhood. The city planners’ prioritization of building high-density housing, bringing in new businesses, ensuring access to a light rail transit line, and safe, pedestrian-friendly streets helped this project succeed.

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  • Pedalear en la selva de concreto: la Bogotá que se mueve diariamente en bicicleta

    Bogotá ha construido más de 600 kilómetros de ciclorrutas en menos de dos décadas, y se han cuadruplicado los viajes en bicicleta como resultado de la suma entre un papel activo de la ciudadanía y la voluntad política.

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  • New Transport Regulations Reducing Road Crashes in Uganda

    New, detailed driver badges, and bus route charts are reducing dangerous crashes involving buses on roads in Uganda. In an attempt to weed out incompetent bus drivers, they are now legally required to have a badge that includes information like their license number, training information, and the company they work for.

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  • How E-Bike Rebates Will Make Cycling Safer

    When the city of Denver offered rebates to residents who purchased a new electric bike or e-cargo bike, more than 5,000 people took advantage of the offer, which reportedly helped the city replace roughly 100,000 car miles.

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