Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • At this East Oakland salon, violence prevention starts with self-care

    The Self-i.s.h. Society is a hair salon and community space where people — particularly women of color — gather to find connection while on their personal healing journeys. The Self-i.s.h. Society hosts pop-up events and partners with local organizations with a holistic care angle, all while pushing participants to “get selfish” and start focusing on themselves.

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  • Indigenous wisdom meets Western medicine at this psychedelic therapy centre

    Roots to Thrive offers psychedelic-assisted therapy and through the Naut sa mawt Centre for Psychedelic Research the group works with universities across the country to advance the field of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Roots to Thrive specifically works to decolonize psychedelic-assisted therapy by forming relationships with Indigenous communities to learn from them. Psychedelic-assisted therapy has been shown to offer several benefits like treating symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD and allowing people to look inward to address past traumas.

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  • Through Meditation and Therapy, Black Men Are Taking Care of Their Mental Health

    Black Men Heal Yoga is a free yoga class that provides a safe, healing space for Black men looking to explore tools like meditation, mindfulness and movement to combat stigma and take care of their mental health. Black Men Heal Yoga is funded by money raised through social media. 10 classes have been held so far, with more than 50 men being served and about $2,000 in donations being raised.

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  • People Fixing The World - The healing power of forests

    Forest bathing encourages mindfulness in nature by focusing on sights and sounds in the forest, to calm the mind and relieve feelings of depression and anxiety. Several institutions use forest therapy as treatment options for various conditions, such as the Costa Rica Treatment Center, which helps people healing from addiction participate in forest bathing as part of their recovery. Forest bathing helps participants form a closer relationship with nature and themselves and learn how to regulate their emotions.

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  • Why is Duluth a national hub for training Native physicians?

    At the University of Minnesota Medical School's Duluth Campus, the Center of American Indian and Minority Health provides a space for Indigenous students to connect with one another, honor their traditions, and find support in a challenging academic setting. The school, which also requires eight hours of instruction on treating Native Americans, has produced more Indigenous medical graduates than almost any other in the United States.

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  • Treating Farmworkers on Their Terms

    Community health clinics provide a space for indigenous people to access both traditional and nontraditional medicine as there’s a significant disconnect between indigenous communities and modern healthcare institutions. These community clinics increase healthcare access for indigenous communities and present care in an easily accessible way by taking language and cultural barriers into consideration.

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  • How mindful movement can lead to a revolution of rest

    For sleep-deprived people, incorporating yoga into their daily routine can help them relax their body and mind to improve their sleep.

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  • Is Denver's Psilocybin Decriminalization Having An Impact?

    Since Denver voters approved the decriminalization of the natural psychedelic drug psilocybin, the small number of arrests grew even smaller and one supporter of the policy sees growing interest in the therapeutic use of the drug. Even though supporters admit the policy has not made a big impact, it has influenced other cities and states to move in the same direction. Denver's policy was at the vanguard of what appears to be a pro-psychedlic movement in both legal and health policy.

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  • The "Secret Handshake"—A Program Gifting Cannabis to Unhoused People

    In Los Angeles, the Sidewalk Project gives unhoused people gifts of marijuana to ease their anxiety and to show kindness. Since its start in the spring of 2020, the group has gifted gram-sized portions of weed nearly 1,000 times. The harm-reduction group gets its supply from growers who donate weed that isn't up to commercial-grade snuff. Evidence is mixed on whether marijuana is an effective antidote to opioid withdrawal symptoms, but Sidewalk says it has helped some by making them more relaxed. Personal use of marijuana is legal in California, with restrictions on quantities that can be transferred.

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  • Fighting COVID-19 with Ancestral Wisdom in the Amazon

    The Siekopai people have used plants and herbal remedies to treat diseases for years. As the COVID-19 pandemic entered their community, they turned to the ancient medicine of their ancestors to help combat symptoms of the virus and boost the immune system.

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