Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Coastal State's Approach to Flooding May Be a Model for Illinois Communities

    Officials from Woodbridge Township in New Jersey bought and demolished almost 200 homes to create a flood-absorbing restoration area after Superstorm Sandy. The program assigns each homeowner a case manager to help them through the process from the appraisal to moving. Much of the area is now wetlands, which act as a natural sponge to prevent flooding.

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  • The 'Save the Oceans' Tax Break: Recycling Oyster Shells

    Sometimes bolstered by state tax credits, oyster recycling projects across the United States are encouraging restaurants to save their oyster shells, which are used to restore reefs instead of ending up as waste.

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  • Chatham Flooding Mitigation Program Flounders, But Oak Park Sees Success 

    The RainReady program helped some residents of flood-prone towns in Illinois keep their homes dry by assessing which measures they can take to direct rainwater away from their homes. Then, the homeowners receive grants to install the flood-control devices, such as rain gardens and backflow valves.

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  • He's Got a Plan for Cities That Flood: Stop Fighting the Water

    Cities in China are moving away from using traditional water managment approaches, like drainage pipes and flood walls. Instead, they are becoming “sponge cities” by installiing green infrastructure designed to absob excess water, like green roofs and ponds.

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  • Months after devastating floods, Vermont renews efforts to aid climate-friendly rebuilds

    After extreme flooding damaged homes, the energy efficiency utility Efficiency Vermont offered emergency flood rebates to those impacted. Recovery teams helped people plan and find funding to repair and replace energy systems and appliances with more efficient models that will help them reach their decarbonization goals. In this circumstance, exceptions were made to include rebates for high-efficiency fossil fuel systems, too.

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  • Canoes Become a Lifeline for Farming Communities Cut Off by River Flooding in Nigeria's Sokoto

    Some farmers in Sokoto, Nigeria, are cut off from their crops when the Rima River floods during the wet season. So, they use canoes, known as Jirgi, to ferry people and their harvests across the water.

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  • How a Northwest tribe is escaping a rising ocean

    The Quinault Indian Nation is building new housing for its community about a mile from its current village on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The goal is to relocate the whole village to a place further above sea level to avoid flooding and sea-level rise.

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  • A Ranch, Rewilded: The Transformation of California's Next State Park

    A floodplain restoration project in California’s Central Valley is preventing flooding, replenishing groundwater, and providing habitat for wildlife. Most of the restoration work involved rewilding the land after removing the berms that protected the area from flooding when it was an agricultural field.

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  • This Louisiana town moved to escape climate-linked disaster

    In the face of increasing land loss and flooding due to coastal erosion and climate change, the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe made the decision to relocate their community to higher ground. After winning a grant from the National Disaster Resilience Competition, the tribe worked closely with the Louisiana state government to figure out where and how the new community would be built.

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  • Learning from storms past, a community plans together to prevent disasters

    The community in Malabon, Philippines, worked with a nongovernmental organization to create a contingency plan for tropical storms. Tasks like search and rescue and resident relocation are divided between community leaders, and local input makes the plan more actionable and effective than a top-down approach.

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