Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • California Is Showing How a Big State Can Power Itself Without Fossil Fuels

    The California-based startup Magrathea Metals is producing magnesium with renewable energy to make the process less expensive and material-intensive. The company aims to make the more environment-friendly metal competitive with steel and aluminum.

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  • First-in-the-Nation Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Comes to Massachusetts

    A utility company in Framingham, Massachusetts, worked with climate advocates to build a unique geothermal heating and cooling project that spans a whole neighborhood. A group of residential and commercial buildings share the infrastructure necessary to harness stable underground temperatures for heating and cooling, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills.

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  • St. Paul Public Schools go big on geothermal energy, using the earth to heat and cool buildings

    Public schools in St. Paul, Minnesota, are installing geothermal systems to heat and cool buildings with energy harnessed from underground temperatures. The efficient, affordable energy source allows them to keep school buildings at a comfortable temperature during the increasingly warmer summer months.

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  • Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity

    California and Texas are among the states in the U.S. installing giant lithium-ion batteries to store renewable energy to use when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. These batteries are reducing the use of fossil fuels as a backup energy source when demand is high.

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  • AC Has a Big Climate Impact. This New Tech Could be a Game Changer

    Thermal storage technologies are lowering businesses’ energy costs and carbon emissions while reducing strain on the grid during peak times. Two hotels in California implemented a system that makes ice when energy demand is low and uses the ice during peak demand times to cool the building.

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  • Why Europe is dismantling its dams

    Researchers and conservationists in European countries like Finland are buying obsolete dams and dismantling them to allow river ecosystems to recover and fish to travel freely.

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  • Getting off fossil fuels is hard, but this city is doing it — building by building

    The town of Ithaca is working with its local gas utility and area homeowners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by removing gas pipes from homes and businesses by switching them over to electricity, primarily from renewable sources. While the transition is a long process, the town expects to achieve about a 30% reduction in emissions in the next year.

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  • Minnesota schools testing electric buses find benefits and barriers

    After adding electric school buses to its fleet with the help of grant funding, Morris Area Schools saw its fuel costs drop from about $3 per gallon to the equivalent of about $1 a gallon. Each bus is estimated to help cut roughly 140 tons of carbon emissions over its lifetime.

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  • Tidal power: What's holding it back?

    Researchers in South Korea and Ireland are harnessing the power from the up, down, and side-to-side motions of ocean tides as a source of renewable energy.

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  • In Juneau, Alaska, a carbon offset project that's actually working

    To mitigate the carbon dioxide emissions generated by tourism, the community in Juneau, Alaska, created the Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund as a type of carbon offset program. Tourists pay an emissions fee to the fund when doing certain excursions, and that money is used to install heat pumps for residents who earn less than 80 percent of the median income.

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