Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • My Neck of the Woods

    Community activism in the late 1800s led to the creation of a unique 6.1 million-acre forest preserve in New York called Adirondack Park. It’s explicitly protected by the state constitution and consists of half publicly-owned land and half privately-owned land.

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  • For child care workers, state aid for their own kids' care is 'life-changing'

    To help address staffing shortages, states such as Rhode Island have launched pilot programs leveraging federal funding to subsidize child care costs for early childhood education workers. Child care centers say the programs have helped them attract and retain staff while making care more affordable for employees, but some states are struggling to make the funding permanent.

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  • Former foster youth are eligible for federal housing aid. Georgia isn't helping them get it

    The federal Foster Youth to Independence program provides housing vouchers for young people leaving the foster system to help them keep up with rent as they transition to living on their own. But states have to coordinate the funding with local housing agencies, and in Georgia, a lack of coordination led to only eight vouchers being distributed since the program began.

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  • New Jersey Ditched Cash Bail. Research Shows the Reform Didn't Increase Violence.

    New Jersey voters approved an amendment that removed cash bail so people would no longer be incarcerated because they couldn’t afford to pay it. Now, the courts evaluate each person’s risk to the public, of skipping trial, and of reoffense to determine whether they are held in detention until their trial.

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  • How a Bipartisan Group Overcame the Odds to Pass the TikTok Divestment Bill

    To drum up bipartisan support for a bill that will require social media app TikTok to divest from the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to American users, legislators involved multiple committees in the process and enlisted the support of the Department of Justice to appeal directly to Democrats. The final version of the bill was attached to legislation providing aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and passed with little opposition.

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  • Can't install your own solar panels? Some areas let you join a community project.

    States across the United States are passing legislation that supports the development of community solar programs. These projects allow community members who can’t install their own solar panels to subscribe to other solar projects nearby, often on farms, schools, or stores. Alongside the property owner, subscribers help fund the project and save money on future electricity bills based on the power generated.

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  • Krakow Can Breathe Again

    An activist organization in Poland, Krakow Smog Alarm, teaches people about poor air quality in their city and helps them organize together to lobby their local governments for effective clean air measures.

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  • The climate watchdog holding the UK government to account

    Following the passage of the Climate Change Act, the United Kingdom created a Climate Change Committee to oversee the country’s efforts to reach net-zero emissions. The committee acts as a watchdog by analyzing ways to decarbonize the economy and publishing information that can be leveraged by policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and private sector industries. Its model has since been replicated around the world.

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  • Why Portland failed where Portugal succeeded in decriminalizing drugs

    After the Oregon Legislature voted to reverse a law decriminalizing drug possession for personal use in response to a spike in overdoses, advocates attributed the legislation’s failure to poor implementation, complications related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and inadequate time to produce results.

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  • Plastic bag bans have already prevented billions of bags from being used, report finds

    A plastic bag ban in New Jersey helped eliminate more than 5.5 billion plastic bags annually, keeping the single-use plastic out of the environment where it can harm wildlife and contribute to pollution. However, some researchers question whether plastic bags are truly worse for the environment than single-use paper bags or reusable cotton bags, and some states have passed laws preventing local governments from adopting their own bans on plastic bags.

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