Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Dallas tackled violent crime

    Dallas implemented a practice known as “hot spot policing” to reduce violent crime and increase community trust. In this strategy, law enforcement focuses on prevention in very specific areas with significant concentrations of crime, sometimes as small as an apartment building or business.

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  • Can We Fix Mental Health Crisis Response in the Hudson Valley?

    Mobile crisis response teams, like CAHOOTS and the Ulster County mobile teams, deploy crisis workers and medics instead of police to situations like mental health crises and welfare checks, to avoid unnecessary escalation. Counties with mobile teams say the quality of care they receive has dramatically improved. In Ulster county alone, they receive about 4,000 diverted 911 calls annually and only five to 10% of them require police backup.

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  • Copline: a hotline for law enforcement to call on their worst days

    Copline is a hotline for law enforcement, run by law enforcement that gives on-duty cops a place to talk and vent anonymously with people who understand what they’re going through. Copline receives about 400 calls a month and those who call the hotline can also get recommendations for mental health services in their area, like AA meetings and outpatient treatment options.

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  • With law enforcement sparse, Alaska villages build network of safety for survivors

    Amidst a lack of law enforcement in remote areas, the Emmonak Women’s Shelter has begun training people in small villages to become victim resource advocates to connect those who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault with shelter and care.

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  • Genesee County's senior abuse prevention model to be taken statewide

    The elder abuse task force is a specialized unit of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department that provides critical services to older residents and issues abuse-related warrants. Since its founding in 2018, the unit has served nearly 2,000 elderly residents and issued over 275 warrants; now, this abuse-prevention model is being scaled statewide.

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  • How more cameras are helping Sacramento PD catch more car thieves.

    The Sacramento Police Department installed 175 cameras throughout the city to read license plates and help solve car theft crimes. The cameras and accompanying AI technology alert nearby officers when a vehicle of interest is identified, resulting in more arrests and solved car thefts than the national average.

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  • AI bots are helping 911 dispatchers with their workload

    To reduce 911 dispatcher workloads, several U.S. municipalities have integrated AI technology to triage and coordinate responses to non-emergency calls, resulting in more efficient support for callers and less stress on telecommunication workers.

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  • The Lifesaving Tech That's Stopping Gun Violence

    The National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, or NIBIN, uses ballistics imaging to help law enforcement agencies connect separate shootings perpetrated using the same firearm. In Danville, Virginia, the system has produced roughly 400 hits since it was instituted in 2018.

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  • Sexual assault survivors can now track their rape kits in most states

    States across the United States are implementing online portals for tracking sexual assault kits through the testing process. These systems are proven to reduce the massive backlogs of kits and ensure timely processing.

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  • Buffalo auto thefts have risen 135%. St. Paul's coordinated approach led to a big drop

    St. Paul’s Carjacking and Auto Theft Unit, which is supported by grant funding, is solely devoted to addressing car thefts and recovering stolen vehicles. Through collaboration with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office and streamlined timelines for court appearances, the unit helped decrease the number of motor vehicle thefts in the city by 41 percent.

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