Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Make School Food Great Again

    Red Rabbit provides nutritious, culturally diverse lunches to students at two local schools. The program promotes cross-cultural exchange among students by exposing them to different dishes from various cultures while ensuring they’re getting healthy meals that hit all the major food groups, as most students get the majority of their meals at school.

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  • Nonprofits Successfully Challenge Red State Restrictions on Abortion

    In response to varying abortion bans across states, nonprofit organizations are emerging to help women in states with strict abortion laws access the care they need. Nonprofits like the Center for Reproductive Rights, Northwest Abortion Access Fund and Indigenous Idaho Alliance provide women with free abortion pills, help them travel out of state for care and even challenge local courts attempting to pass strict trigger laws.

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  • North County nonprofits help stranded migrants

    Several community members and nonprofit organizations like Interfaith Community Services and the North County Rapid Response Network are joining forces to provide aid to the hundreds of migrants being dropped off at local transit centers. So far, the organizations and volunteers have helped 177 people access food, water, clothing, shelter, medical support and other resources like language support and reunification for families that have been separated.

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  • How Houston Cut Its Homeless Population by Nearly Two-Thirds

    Houston’s The Way Home collective is made up of 100 nonprofits with different approaches to combatting homelessness. Case managers enter information about people experiencing homelessness in the city into a database that shows all of the programs each person is eligible for and which nonprofits have space available.

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  • "Fear of another attack": This Nigerian initiative is encouraging displaced parents to re-enrol their children in school

    Nana Girls and Women Empowerment Initiative works with families affected by violent conflict to help them get their children re-enrolled in school. The organization hosts informational events, sponsors costs for tuition and supplies, and advocates for students with local governments that handle enrollment.

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  • Major companies pledged funding for Texas water projects. What are results so far?

    A nonprofit created the Texas Water Action Collaborative to connect water quality conservation projects in need of financial support with companies that have related sustainability goals and will supply funding.

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  • Justice40 Accelerator program boosts Detroit nonprofits, but advocates say more help is needed

    Funded by philanthropic organizations, the Justice40 Accelerator is providing technical support to Detroit nonprofits focused on environmental justice. The program helps nonprofits assess their challenges and needs, which can make them more competitive when applying for federal funding.

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  • Western Massachusetts helpline a Call for Change seeks to end intimate partner violence where it starts—with the people causing the harm

    The Call for Change Helpline in Massachusetts takes phone calls from across the country to help prevent domestic violence. The line is confidential and anonymous. Most callers are people causing harm, and responders are trained to help them change abusive behavior.

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  • In Seattle, Community Land Trusts Are Allowing Low-Income Families To Buy A Home

    Homestead Community Land Trust and the local Habitat for Humanity specialize in helping lower-income residents become homeowners. They have portfolios of homes available to lower-income residents who make less than 80% of the area median income. To date, the community land trust model has been implemented at a small scale relative to the need and Habitat plans to build almost 300 new homes in the coming years.

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  • One solution to reduce homelessness is to name each person affected 

    A national nonprofit, Community Solutions, works to reduce homelessness with a name-by-name list strategy in which communities create profiles for people experiencing homelessness to track their housing history, attempts to find new housing, and their current needs. The information is shared across all applicable community organizations to organize and speed up the assistance process.

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