Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Denver busca contratar y mantener a más maestros internacionales al ayudarlos con vivienda, capacitación y más

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver lanzaron el Instituto de Educadores Internacionales para proporcionar no solo apoyo profesional sino también apoyo personal a maestros internacionales nuevos. El Instituto ayuda los nuevos maestros encontrar un lugar donde vivir, entender asuntos financieros y de crédito, proporcionar otros apoyo sociales o emocionales, obtener más certificados y entender cómo funciona el sistema escolar de Denver. Eso ha causado que los maestros internacionales con visas de trabajo en DPS sumen un total de 234.

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  • El modelo de escuelas comunitarias en Aurora sirve de ejemplo mientras el interés crece en el estado

    Las escuelas comunitarias se enfocan en usar a socios comunitarios para abordar las necesidades integrales de las familias; trabajan con organizaciones para evaluar la vista de los estudiantes en la escuela, ayudar a los padres para que aprendan cómo continuar las lecciones en sus hogares, y reunar a las familias para que compartan sus diversas culturas. El año pasado en Colorado, atendieron a más de 4,700 personas en los eventos, y líderes dicen que los estudiantes cuyas familias participan están demostrando mejores resultados en comparación con aquellos cuyas familias no participan.

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  • English learners stopped coming to class during the pandemic. One group is tackling the problem by helping their parents

    ourBRIDGE for Kids is a school-based program that helps English language learners improve their language skills. Since the pandemic increased rates of chronic absenteeism among English language learners, ourBridge shifted its focus to also provide family services to provide comprehensive support, like secure housing and grocery delivery, that helps keep youth in school.

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  • St. Paul school district halts enrollment slide. The secret: listening to immigrant communities.

    To address enrollment decline in St. Paul Public Schools, the district invested in language and cultural programs that cater to local immigrant communities. After four years of implementing Hmong, Spanish, Mandarin, and East African language and cultural programs, student enrollment is now rising.

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  • Native teachers build nations: More Indigenous people are training to be teachers in Arizona

    The Indigenous Teacher Education Program at the University of Arizona trains budding educators to better support students in Tribal communities, with the goal of increasing the number of Indigenous teachers in the school system. Since launching in 2018, the program has produced more than 50 graduates.

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  • A Navajo teacher is among the first Colorado educators to revive Indigenous language in the classroom

    To better serve Indigenous students, Durango School District 9-R has created an advisory council for Native American parents, designated specific staff to help support Native students, and developed an Indigenous language course where they can reconnect to their culture by learning Diné Bizaad. Students report that the course is more engaging than learning about Navajo history via a textbook, and the district has shown progress in closing opportunity gaps for Indigenous students, with all of its Indigenous seniors graduating last year.

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  • Immersive Language School Renews Generational Dreams of Cherokee Culture

    New Kituwah Academy Elementary provides immersive language education for members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, helping to keep the band’s language and culture alive. Students speak exclusively in Cherokee until third grade and then use both English and Cherokee throughout the school day to build proficiency in both languages.

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  • Un programa que ayuda a padres latinos a navegar el sistema educativo de Arizona como líderes y defensores de sus hijos

    Padres están recibiendo atención y apoyo especializados gracias al “Parent Educator Academy,” un programa de All In Education, que ayuda a los padres latinos en Arizona a navegar por un sistema educativo complejo y defender a sus hijos en la escuela. El programa se encuentra ahora en su quinta cohorte y ha atendido a padres de más de 30 escuelas en tres condados.

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  • A program helping parents navigate Arizona's education system as leaders and advocates for their kids

    The Parent Educator Academy provides training in Spanish and English to help Latino parents in Arizona navigate a complex education system and advocate for their children at school. The program is now in its fifth cohort and has served parents from more than 30 schools in three counties.

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  • Students, Teachers Say AP African American Studies Course Was a Success

    Advanced Placement African American Studies, a pilot course created by College Board, explores African American history and culture with the goal of covering events and concepts not often taught in high school classrooms. Students in the pilot program say the course gave them a deeper perspective on African history and helped them contextualize current events.

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