Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Brave New Generation of Craftspeople in Kashmir

    Commitment to Kashmir (CtoK) incubates small cohorts of young craftspeople, providing financial resources, technology support, and mentorship to support the growth of their craft enterprises. Since its founding in 2010, CtoK has helped 37 people establish businesses within and despite the myriad challenges that exist in a conflict zone.

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  • Reinventing a terror-free Borno State through child education

    The Future Prowess Islamic Foundation provides free education to roughly 2,000 students who have been affected by the violence of Boko Haram, including the children of Boko Haram insurgents. The organization also offers training and micro-loans to local widows to help them start their own businesses.

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  • How farming is saving Migori widows from wife inheritance 

    To fight back against “woman inheritance,” a practice in which women are married off to a brother-in-law after the death of a husband, widows in Nyasoko formed a support group that raises awareness about HIV, provides microloans, and maintains shared land for farming. The group now has 36 members and has enabled widows to start their own businesses and take control of their health.

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  • Bangladesh tests climate finance for disaster-hit communities

    Several organizations provide financial support like green bonds and insurance to farmers in Bangladesh to help protect them from crop loss caused by climate change disasters.

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  • When Tackling Homelessness, Prevention is Often the Best Medicine

    A Portland shelter’s Homeless Prevention Program provides rent assistance to families who have not yet been involved with social services and are about to lose their homes. In 2022, the program helped 93 families pay back rent, pay past-due utilities, or create payment plans with their landlords.

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  • Microfinance helps Indian women borrow – with dignity

    Microfinance institutions in India are providing low-cost loans to women in remote areas that typically only have access to loan sharks. The women are using the money to break poverty cycles and start their own businesses.

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  • The Supermarket Lending Shoppers Money for Groceries

    In the United Kingdom, the supermarket Iceland Foods gives out interest-free microloans on pre-loaded cards during school holidays for families to spread out their grocery bills over time when finances are most stretched. The program also reduces pressure on food banks that are already struggling to meet demand.

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  • How "Adashe" is transforming lives of IDPs in FCT

    Using grant funding from the Stand With a Girl Initiative, a group of women in a camp for Nigerians who have been internally displaced created Adashe, a collective savings program that helps families in times of need. Participants contribute regular payments toward the fund, which rotates to benefit each of the participants with lump-sum payments that can be paid back without fees or interest.

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  • Through a radio program in Osun State, low-income Nigerians are learning business skills

    Listeners of the Nigerian radio program KaraKata have access to business education, financial literacy information, and empowerment — as well as crowdsourced seed funding to get their own business off the ground. Listeners call in to make a case for why they should become a beneficiary, and the program has awarded funds to 1,250 people since it began distributing seed money in 2017.

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  • A Cottage Industry Quietly Rises, Lifted by South Sudan's Often Ignored Women

    A network of Sudanese women is pooling resources to create a successful market. The Women's Empowerment Initiative has provided funds, training, and the connections to create economic opportunities for the entrepreneurs.

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