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  • Election Disinformation Campaigns are Targeting Latinos. Fact Checkers are Fighting Back.

    Spanish-language fact-checking organizations such as Factchequeado debunk disinformation targeting Latino voters, often monitoring online discussion in Spanish-speaking countries to anticipate viral content before it reaches U.S. audiences. Factchequeado also partners with community media organizations who can share the fact-checked information with their local readers and viewers.

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  • Inside Google's Plans to Combat Election Misinformation

    To combat election-related mis- and disinformation, a Google initiative called Jigsaw launched campaigns in Indonesia and Eastern Europe with videos “inoculating” viewers against false information by explaining common manipulation techniques that could be used to mislead them. Surveys showed that people who viewed the videos were up to 5 percent more likely to correctly identify attempts at manipulation.

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  • In Taiwan, a group is battling fake news one conversation at a time — with a focus on seniors

    Fake News Cleaner reaches people most vulnerable to disinformation in Taiwan, including seniors, by engaging with them offline at places like churches, temples, parks, and schools. The organization has hosted more than 500 events with people of all ages since it was founded six years ago.

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  • Osun Fights Misinfo, Boosts HPV Vaccine Uptake for Women's Health

    By December 2023, the nationwide campaign had vaccinated about 4.7 million girls; however, Osun continued to experience pushback, with citizens resisting the campaign due to misinformation and a lack of understanding about the vaccine’s significance. The federal government also joined in, adding the HPV vaccine to its routine immunization system, which helped about 4.7 million girls get vaccinated.

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  • Taiwan Learned You Can't Fight Fake News by Making It Illegal

    Ahead of its 2020 presidential election, Taiwan tried to fight disinformation from Chinese actors in the courts, prosecuting citizens who were paid to disseminate fake news and fining pro-China news stations accused of broadcasting false information. But the tactics proved ineffective and raised concerns around free speech, leading the country to take a different approach during the onset of the pandemic and leading up to its latest election by making accurate information more widely available and bolstering its network of civic fact-checking organizations.

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  • This Nigerian's campaign for the HPV jab is a fight against more than cancer

    To increase awareness of cervical cancer and the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine, Al-Ansar radio shares information about the disease, the vaccine and works to dispel speculation and misinformation about vaccines in general to those in underserved and hard-to-reach areas, as they’re often hardest to get vaccinated.

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  • Crowdsourced fact-checking fights misinformation in Taiwan

    Taiwanese fact-checking website Cofacts operates similarly to Wikipedia, allowing anyone to become an editor, respond to questions, and evaluate responses. A study comparing the platform to professional fact-checking sites found that the crowdsourced version typically responded to questions more quickly, included more information about local and regional issues, and was just as accurate.

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  • The Nigeria Fact-Checkers' Coalition showed how collaborative journalism can work in West Africa

    Ahead of Nigeria’s general election, a group of 12 media platforms and civil society organizations worked together as the Nigeria Factcheckers Coalition to debunk false information targeting voters. The coalition, which provided training and tools to participating journalists, fact-checked 127 during the week of the elections.

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  • The Newton experiment: How a rural Kansas weekly newspaper refreshed an outdated business model

    In an age where small, rural newspapers are shrinking and disappearing, local paper Harvey County Now started engaging more with its audience to find ways to better meet their news needs to keep money flowing and the newspaper afloat. From sending out e-newsletters, hosting local events and launching a premium membership program called Press Club, which grants access to benefits like concert tickets and exclusive events, Harvey County Now managed to increase its profits while simultaneously keeping its audience and print paper intact.

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  • This Psychologist Wants To Vaccinate You Against Fake News

    To “inoculate” internet users against fake news, a collaboration between Google and YouTube played ads before videos explaining misinformation concepts such as scapegoating and false dichotomies. A study of 20,000 people who interacted with the ads found that those who viewed them were better able to spot manipulation tactics online.

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